In their New Bowls

I like the 2.5 gallon tanks myself, but i also believe in filtration, it appears PSGill is doing a great job with their Betta. And if their formula isnt broke dont fix it. At least they arent keeping them in those betta hex things.
OK, So did you guys actually read my Thread.

DID you Guys Not see where I specify that i am Acclimatizing these 2 as they are from another county!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Their Water Is Different to Mine.

PLS read the Entire Thread B4 Posting your thoughts.

Yes I know they are in a small space. DUH I Ain't some thicko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nidge said:
Sorry lads but i think thats cruel, those jars are tiny, i wouldn't put fry in them.
Do you leave the lamps on all night? otherwise the water would get cold especially in the winter :angry:
you wouldn't put fry in a 1 litre? guess you have never bred bettas as that is a generous amount of space for a fry (by the way, no one who knows what they are doing would keep "fry" in a jar, they should be in a grow out tank for the first few 2 months anyways)
bkk_group said:
you wouldn't put fry in a 1 litre? guess you have never bred bettas as that is a generous amount of space for a fry (by the way, no one who knows what they are doing would keep "fry" in a jar, they should be in a grow out tank for the first few 2 months anyways)
No, I have never bred Bettas. When i said "i wouldn't put fry in a 1 litre" It was an example of how little space i think them Bettas have, I would never put any fish, fry or adult into a jar (unless it was a huge jar) with inadequate filtration, heat, space and shelter, I think its cruel and very selfish to be honest.
We all keep fish and it could be argued that we are all cruel to some extent but at least most of us provide all the basic requirements for the fish we keep.
You say "no one who knows what they are doing would keep "fry"in a jar, they should be in a grow out tank for the first few 2 months anyways". If a jar's not good enough for fry, do you think it would be ok for an adult Betta?
ok guys - look at this pic...

Those jars in the background have less space than psgills and these breed them for a living and sell them out of their shop like this.

you wanna see how badly bettas can be kept - go to BAS in Bolton... they have a tenth of the space psgill is supplying.

if his bettas are healthy he doesn't need people jumping down his throats telling him it's wrong...

they are sold in polystyrene cups for gods sake, and people keep them in tiny little vases.

those jars seem just fine.
and quotes from people who know what they are talking about...

What temperature should they be kept at?

Bettas are a tropical fish, and therefore prefer warmer water. An ideal temperature is upper 70's(F), but can be kept in the lower 70's(F) if needed, but it isn't recommended. For breeding, they should be kept at approximately 80°F. Many people will attempt to convince you that ALL bettas should be kept with a heater to survive, this is simply not true. I have many happy bettas that remain at room temperature, which at times can drop below 70°F. I do not recommend constant temperatures below 70°F, but they are survivable. I suggest 76°F for a happy, healthy betta.

What size tank should they be in?

This is a highly debated subject, and I will answer it as I see fit. I personally do not like to keep bettas, male or female, in bowls/tanks smaller than 1/2 gallon. Some people will argue that even 1/2 gallon is too small. Others keep their bettas in those small, pint sized Betta Hex containers. They say that their bettas are quite happy. The important aspect to keep in mind is that the smaller the container, the more often it needs to be cleaned. If you choose to keep you betta in a Betta Hex, then be prepared to change their water as often as every 2 days. I change my 1/2 gallon bowls once every 5 days depending on how dirty they have become. You can also keep you bettas in a tank up to any size. I have heard of people dedicating an entire 10 gallon tank to a male betta. You may also choose to have some tank mates with them in the larger tanks. Click here for a list of compatible tank mates.

What kind of filter/water flow/air bubbler should I use?

This all depends on the size of the tank, of course. If you are keeping him in a small bowl, then no filter is needed as they will get their oxygen from the surface of the water. If you are going to give him a luxurious home of 2 gallons or more, then a small box filter will do. When choosing your filter, keep in mind that Bettas originate from the rice patties in Asia, which are calm puddles with no water flow or currents. Most Bettas do not like swift water flow. I have seen Bettas play in water currents, but they also need a place to rest in the tank where the water stays calm.
I'm with nidge and bunji on this one. wild bettas live in an enviroment that is 78-84 F and 26-29 C. unless your home stays at a temp in that range 24/7 then you need to get a heater. also bettas need at least 1 U.S. gallon (3.8 Liters) to be healthy not to mention some type of filtration such as a sponge filter or an airstone.
Bettas are fish too.
They need just as much care as any other tropical fish if not more!

soryy about that it just seem that people think "oh, it's betta, let's stick it in a jar to see it's pretty colors". they don't think once about the actual needs that it has just like gouramis, cichlids, barbs, and every other tropical fish. I really think that your bettas are beautiful but maybe you should research what bettas really need. :/
You say they can't be happy in anything less than 1 gallon, then why do his bettas make bubblenests?

I don't think filtration is necessary as long as proper water changes are done. I keep my bettas in 1 gallons and change the water every two days. And some people have so many bettas they can't possibly have 3 gallons for all of them.

I think psgill just wanted to show you his pictures and some of you jumped on him for it.

The debate as for decor shouldn't really be a factor. Bare tanks are easier to clean, no ripped fins, plus he has some live plants to hide in. I think that if god himself kept bettas in 10 gallon tanks you guys would have something to complain about. Ohhh don't the filters knock him around would be something you would probably say.
soryy about that it just seem that people think "oh, it's betta, let's stick it in a jar to see it's pretty colors". they don't think once about the actual needs that it has just like gouramis, cichlids, barbs, and every other tropical fish. I really think that your bettas are beautiful but maybe you should research what bettas really need.

2 Yellow Cellophane - 1 Indigo/Lavender Crown Tail
2 Red/Fuscia VT - 1 Blue/Fuscia Comb - 1 Blue/Green Comb
1 Gaint Male - 1 Large Plakat Female
3 Females

1Ltr Cubes
1 Pink CrownTail Male
1 Maroon/Blue Long Finned Double Ray Crowntail - FEMALE- YAY .

I'm sure he knows how to care for them... he has quite a few. You have ONE betta. It's easy for you to have a five gallon tank and all the trimmings. But when you have a lot of bettas it's easier to do bare tanks or smaller tanks for convienence. I'm not saying neglect the fish but having clean water and live plants is proper care. I don't think you should rag on someone and tell them to research on what they need when they have 14 bettas and have bred before.
JobySp said:
ok guys - look at this pic...

Those jars in the background have less space than psgills and these breed them for a living and sell them out of their shop like this.

you wanna see how badly bettas can be kept - go to BAS in Bolton... they have a tenth of the space psgill is supplying.

if his bettas are healthy he doesn't need people jumping down his throats telling him it's wrong...

they are sold in polystyrene cups for gods sake, and people keep them in tiny little vases.

those jars seem just fine.
i know that woman personally. she uses the same barracks setup as other well known betta breeders in these parts, her bettas are always in good health by the way. the barracks are all hooked up to water system and are constantly getting fresh water dripped into the tanks.
Nidge said:
bkk_group said:
you wouldn't put fry in a 1 litre? guess you have never bred bettas as that is a generous amount of space for a fry (by the way, no one who knows what they are doing would keep "fry" in a jar, they should be in a grow out tank for the first few 2 months anyways)
No, I have never bred Bettas. When i said "i wouldn't put fry in a 1 litre" It was an example of how little space i think them Bettas have, I would never put any fish, fry or adult into a jar (unless it was a huge jar) with inadequate filtration, heat, space and shelter, I think its cruel and very selfish to be honest.
We all keep fish and it could be argued that we are all cruel to some extent but at least most of us provide all the basic requirements for the fish we keep.
You say "no one who knows what they are doing would keep "fry"in a jar, they should be in a grow out tank for the first few 2 months anyways". If a jar's not good enough for fry, do you think it would be ok for an adult Betta?
as someone who breeds bettas i will tell you that while it would be nice to have a 1 gallon tank for every single fish in a spawn the reality is that it's just not feasable when you might have upwards to 100+ per spawn. we do use filters but only in our grow out tanks and our breeding tank. we use a number of 1 litre and 1 1/2 litre glass jars for our juvenile 3+ month fish and they thrive in that enviroment because we do the water changes required on a regular basis. (all our jars get complete water changes every three days so water deteriation is not an issue ever.) while we would not consider housing a "pet" betta in a 1 litre jar forever we have no problem keeping fish we plan to either give away or sell in them short term. none of our tanks are heated ever yet our water temps range between 78 - 80. we monitor our fish on a daily basis and take pride in the fact that we breed healthy energetic fish.
I keep my bettas in 1 gallons and change the water every two days. And some people have so many bettas they can't possibly have 3 gallons for all of them.
You have ONE betta. It's easy for you to have a five gallon tank and all the trimmings. But when you have a lot of bettas it's easier to do bare tanks or smaller tanks for convienence.
First off I never said the need 3 gallon tanks. if anyone uses the excuse that they can't give their fish (whatever it may be) a proper home because they have "so many", then they should seriously consider giving them to people who can give them what they need. I had to give my dog away recently because I couldn't give him all the attention that he needed and because he kept getting in fights with my airdale. I think it would've been very selfish of me to keep just because I liked him. I reallized that if I really loved the dog I would give him to a good home instead of keep him. I've been to many dog breeders houses and notice that some of them don't care for there dog's very well at all. so just because someone has a bunch of bettas and breeds them doesn't mean that they take good care of them. I'm not saying that everyone should give their bettas a deluxe suite penthouse like I did (although that would be nice). but I'm saying that you should give your betta at least an adequate home with all the neccessities.
There are many people who will agree with my here who have many more bettas and fish than I do. But for the people who don't agree with me I have a question:

Why should it be acceptable to have a betta in a liter w/o heating, filtratation, and plants when it wouldn't even be thought of for any other fish?

As cheese specialist said, "It's only my opinion, I am entitled to voice it. I think a litre of water is an appauling amount of water to keep a fish in. Betta or otherwise, it's not like they are exactly small fish either."
Thanks for the Kind Words Joby + Auratus.

God you Guys still aren't Listnening Are you.

I am Acclimitizing them to water from another County.


IF YOU HAVE nothing Positive to say then just keep you trap shut.

All I wanted to do was Show Some Pix B4 they go into their Permanent Homes After Being Quarantined and Acclimatized.

But IF you Guys think I am Cruel and Wretched for Keeping them in these Terrible and In human Conditions, then so be IT.

OH BY THE WAY - I am OPening An Aquarium this Year, I was Going to Offer Discounts To Forum Members - But I cannot Be Bothered To Now.


you Guys Are So

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