Imperial Scorpion - Scorpius Maximus

You can get stinger guard for scorpions? :blink: Any links? :shifty:

Anyway, I hope the hand keeps up the recovery.

yep i use industrial ear plugs, very strong and she can't pierce trhu it.

they put a saline balloon into the skin that is letso that thy don't need to doa skin graft. they wil inject every few days to make the skin stretch so that theyycan inject a hardner and create a new tip.
its all slice up still but looks cool
Gill, could you explain if you have a medical condition that made the reaction so terrible?
Stings from P. imperator are as Esfa has said, usually around about the same as a bee sting, localised and a bit ouchy for a few hours.

I'm very suprised to hear the extensive work you've had to have done on your hand and a bit appalled to hear that you then released the scorpion near some palm tree (I'm guessing in your garden as you clearly dont want it in your house!!)

Sorry you're in the wars!
I use to take care of those when I worked at petco, never knew they could do so much damage! Glad I always wore the leather gloves!
Gill, could you explain if you have a medical condition that made the reaction so terrible?
Stings from P. imperator are as Esfa has said, usually around about the same as a bee sting, localised and a bit ouchy for a few hours.

I'm very suprised to hear the extensive work you've had to have done on your hand and a bit appalled to hear that you then released the scorpion near some palm tree (I'm guessing in your garden as you clearly dont want it in your house!!)

Sorry you're in the wars!

Sorry for the Confusion Lotte* I released into the Consevatory, I have used an old tank and put a Palm tree and banana Palm inside and buried it in reptile bark so that she can dig down and make a nest. Sorry if i confused anyone.
I then released 2 tubs of Black Crickets and Brown Crickets intothe Area to breed and make that lovely chirupping noise in the Evening.

I was watching her hunt Crickets last night and its amazing to watch her grab them and then inject her venom into them and watch them turn to mush.
I want to get more as they are a social species and they are only 6 quid from my friends Reptile Centre.

My Immune System has been Comprimised thru the Long list of what i suffer from, Wont make anyone sick i promise.
I take immune system Boosters and have regular Jabs.
I catch everything that is going round so take spirulina and L Arginine to help my Immune system to try and stop me from catching bugs.

In the last 5 years i have had mumps, measles, glandular fever, liver and kidney infections Numerous UTI's and Have to Constently Cleanse my hands with Dettol AntiBac Hand Spray to keep from picking things up from my animals.
Plus having a Murmur and Epilepsy and suffering from Severe Bouts of Vertigo don't help.

I suffered a Massive attack on Monday night that lasted 3 Hours Resulting in a near fatal Cardiac Arrest.

I have been Signed off for up to 6 months for rehab and speech therapy as it affected my Larynx, it was that strong.

This weeks attack, I was still lucid throughout the entire experience but had no control of my synapses and motor neurone controls for over 5 hours. i was told by my wife that everytime i was trying to speak randowm gibberish and animal sounds came out.
I freaked my parents and wife out so much that they locked my in the room untill the ambulance arrived. But i was that far gone that i attacked them and they refused to touch me and called the police. My parents did not want to have me restrained so they woke my best friend and little Little brother (he Does Weight Ligting and is into BodyBuilding)up and they came over to talk me down into getting me dressed and loaded into the ambulance.
I am not a small person and it took 3 big people to lift me off the floor and help me dress. thank god one of my neighbours is a weight lifter otherwise they would have needed a hoist.


Most reactions
