Immediate Relpy Needed, Molly Fry Deaths

shes probably feeling better with the water changes minus the chlorine and less out of date dechlorinator in the water

good luck with the fry

yh lol, everything SHOULD be fine now, they all are still healthy and v big, all are at least a cm long and only a week old.
ya, should be fine now, lol i have 10 platy fry about 8 weeks old in my tank with their parents and at feeding time the 10 of them shove their parents aside to get to the food they are so fat :lol: and greedy! they grow so fast :fun: :rolleyes: :D
Glad there some improvment.

The pic not working.
i can see the pic, but the fry is a bit blurry. but if its improving id just carry on because its working whatever ur doing :lol: lol
its tummy looks a little sunk-in in the pic. are they all eating well (including ill ones)? maybe the battle isn't completely ove yet, or maybe the effects drag on for a few days ???? who knows?
im so confused, most of the babies go mad at feeding time! and go huge! there are the odd few who dont come to the top but do feed, just not much food is left at the bottom and the fat ones actually come down for more :p
odd, the nitrites are 0.25 and ammonia 0

just to say, babies started dying when i added the outta date stuff, now the healthy stuff was added last night and will be today, most fish are happy active and fed twice a day, i have isolated 3 "weak" babies and 1 died today. they are a week old in a few hours, ive lost bout 3-4 with 3 weak outta 30 approx fry in 5g tank (all dead ones were v skinny as seen in previous pic). does this sound normal or is something wrong as the rest really look healthy???????
Hi Sami

If i was you i would up the feeds from 2 a day,to 4/5 times a day,little bit each time is better. :good:

Hope the rest of your fry are ok :)
Hi Sami

If i was you i would up the feeds from 2 a day,to 4/5 times a day,little bit each time is better.

Hope the rest of your fry are ok

thanks, ive started feeding them more each time as their getting bigger! i think ive found the reason for the nitrite rise, a dead baby in the heater gaurd! dont no how long its been there.....
all the thin, unhealty or weak babies i could find i have isolated but the majority just come to the top and stuff themselves silly when fed, they look very healthy, bout cm long at 1 week old.
i dont really know - ive had experience with out of date food, but not old water conditioner - i buy small bottles and they always run out before i reach the use by *touches wood*. I think the thin ones might not make it - they sound quite bad considering they are fry, but just keep up the water changes to flush out and dilute the iffy dechlorinator :good: . About how much water have you changed? A large water change will remove most of the old dechlor, but if youve already done lots, you shouldnt need to do too mch more. Are any more fry going thin and sickly? A while ago I read up on a similar thing but in a main tank. heres the thread:
I dont know if it will help much, but here it is anyways :good:
i don't see why they are goin thin, i hope its the bad chemical, seeing as i only added the new stuff friday night i should expect a few more dead today but hopefully tonite's water change will flush the last of it out. The healthy fry are happy, healthy and can get aggressive at feeding!

one of the isolated 1's died, im expecting another one to go but the 3rd looks better.
Most of the remaining babies (25 approx) look v healthy.
good :good: probs they were weakened alot by the old dechlorinator :sad: and a little by the chlorine. chlorine burn affects the gills and causes "asphyxiation" which means suffocation, so i doubt thats the main cause, so its probably the iffy dechlor, so keep up the water changes :good: hopefully the 3rd sickly one will pull through :good: and it probably was the dead one in the heater guard that caused the nitrite spike.

Good Luck with the fry :D

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