So sorry for your loss. One of the reasons I got into aquariums is because I was tired of losing dogs and cats, the pain was unbearable. That said, I've been nursing a fish with fish bladder disease, she gets better for a while, then worse for a while. This has been going on for months. I've actually named her "Gerta" and tell her "mama's here" when I need to pick her up to examine her - otherwise she'll freak out. When she sees me she wiggles her tail fins which look like a greeting. Problem is she is not getting better, and requires an extreme amount of care since she is just now figuring out how to eat with this disease - so I'm not ready to euthanize her but if the time comes it will break my heart I've become so attached to her. Frankly I'm not sure I could do it. But right now she's in a good pattern so no euthanasia for her yet. Please get a new betta - some people say to wait but there is nothing more exciting then to get a cool new fish!