I'm On The Edge!

Aw man! I didn't know you guys were talking to me. I didn't get a notification and I've been MIA for a while. I am aware of the labyrinth organ annabantoid stuff, I've learned something new about these fish everyday since his arrival. He(mine) is pretty bright so he figured it out, and breathes just fine through the space provided. He comes directly to the hole to breathe and to eat. He's a tiny fish, so I guess the space is adequate. The filter doesn't bother him much. Occasionally he get's caught up in the filter stream, but he's a very hardy little fish who I think likes a little commotion. When I clean the tank he likes to hang right in the mix of the area I'm cleaning, the tools and my hands. He'll even take bloodworms from my fingers (clean hands of course). He is a curious fish. He never scurries away. His new thing is when I open the lid to feed him or turn on the light, he jumps out of the water. He's done it twice in this week. He is a very fun, even playful little fish. Very entertaining and a bit of a showboat. A ham for the the camera. Thanks for the advice about photobucket. I so happened to look at this post, only to find it was directed to to. I'm gonna try again to upload the pics, I suck with machines(computers) so it might take a while.
i did wonder if he would go the square bit where the pump and gap is. how long has he been in there?

i'm glad he worked it out, i think the edge would be the best tank for a betta looks wise, and i dont see why he couldnt use the gap
The betta would have to go and breathe air from the opening of the tank as that's the only place to get air from ;)

I've had some changes to my tank which you might all be interested to see. I was given some beadlet nems that were surplus to requirements from a friend of mine to put in my osaka. I felt it too risky to do that so I put them in the edge and shipped all the zoas out.
The tank now has the barnacle blenny, a rock of mushies, the nems, the caulerpa algae, a small bit of pulsing xenia, money cowries, various snails and a red leg hermit crab.

I've moved the other crusties out to the osaka and dropped the temp a bit. It now runs at 22 degrees and everything is flourishing so well. There's a vistior there as well at the mopment in the guise of my scooter blenny who's helping diminish some flatworms, but it is just a temporary measure!

So, pics...










The tank seems to be running much better in this format and I have to say I am very happy with it :D
Just read through the 6 pages on your little journal, and well I've been considering a marine tank for a few days now, I was going to originally use my clear seal 9gal, but I looked around on the internet and found the Fluval Edge aquariums and posted in a topic I've made how possible it is to make a marine tank out of one, and well here's your thread, basically giving me a step by step guide.

It's making me want one really bad, looking at all your pictures. But as I'm new to marine *not new to fishkeeping* I'm unsure if I'm experienced enough to keep one :/

As many people say that you should start with a large marine tank instead of a small marine tank.

But seeing as I have very limited space, getting anything in the region of 20gals will be hard to do.

But anyway, great looking tank :D
It's making me want one really bad, looking at all your pictures. But as I'm new to marine *not new to fishkeeping* I'm unsure if I'm experienced enough to keep one :/

As many people say that you should start with a large marine tank instead of a small marine tank.
Thanks for the compliments slakey :D

I'm afraid I have to say that having this particular small tank for a first venture into marine fishkeeping is not a very good idea. Possibly not what you want to hear, but a true fact nonetheless. If' I'd had this as a first marine tank instead of my 90L nanocube then I would have given up or killed off so much stock it would have been disheartening!

To learn about preparing salt water, getting parameters stable and gathering general basic marine tank experience it is so much easier to start with a bigger tank, it really is!

This tank, although interesting and different and eye catching, is a pain in the bum to keep stable. The evaporation rate is very high, there's such a small amount of water in the tank that any parameter issues will be very rapid and thus more devastating to the tank and regulating the heat isn't particularly easy if you stick to the stock lighting.
When you start off in marine fishkeeping you really do need a larger body of water to practice on that isn't going to give you headaches with evaporation and won't provide impossible challenges to getting all the necessary parameters steady.

That's my thoughts on it from experience I'm afraid. You'll never hear me telling a wannabe marine tank owner to have this for a first tank. Sorry :(
Thanks matey! :D

The tank is doing superbly I have to say and is looking very nice with the caulerpa growing away well. There are various baby beads dotted around and I still have the pompoms waving their semahore at me all the time. Everything in here is peachy :D
I have 3 pompoms in my tank now :D

Two have both anemones and one has just one...I could only get pics of the one with one pompom at the mo...
smiley face or what?

He looks so happy :lol:

with the lone sexy


I forgot to update with pics of the tank with the new led unit!



and a video clip

and the light unit itself...it's bigger than I realised :lol:



Hi, I'm in the middle of a Fishless cycle on my Edge and really like the look of your set-up, would like to change the halogens to the LED lighting you bought, its so much brighter, can you tell me where you bought it? I will be posting some photos soon when i get the set-up looking good, lol! Thanks Craig
I've sent you a pm Craig :D

I have just been looking at the pics on here and my god, my caulerpa has grwon like mad :lol: I need to trim it back methinks. I may try some in the Osaka and some in my brackish tank too :D
Hi Jenny
Just read your topic on Fluval Edge. Absolutely adore your setup. My partner bought a Edge about 5 weeks ago have just set it up with 10 male freshwater Guppies as she fell in love with these at one of our lfs. We were undecided as to what to put in it original thought was siamese fighting fish, but i too was worried about not enough surface area. But we now seem to be leaving it a bit lower anyway as prefer look of it. My partner keeps feeling sorry for all the fighters she sees at lfs and pet shops and wants to buy them all, but we will only put them in heated decent size tanks, so could end up with tanks everywhere. Already have 200 litre community tank and 2 * 40 litre Jebo's and now Edge. Could end up anywhere??? Would love to go marine also but always been apprehensive. Will have to give it a go soon. Anyway why i originally started this was to ask what the LED light fitting was as i have ordered 2 3 watt MR11 LED fittings for mine but they haven't arrived yet. And yours looks great with that light.


Anyway why i originally started this was to ask what the LED light fitting was as i have ordered 2 3 watt MR11 LED fittings for mine but they haven't arrived yet. And yours looks great with that light.


Hi Paul! I have to say I am on the lookout for a different led unit as I have got to take the tank to bits to get this one to fit in properly and I am still reluctant to do that. I am tending to think that led strips might be a good way to go and it wouldn't matter too much to me as my Edge doesn't have much in the way of light dependant corals in it now...just a rock of mushies that love the led unit at the moment. The more my beadlets multiply, the more inclined I am to take my mushrooms out of this tank now and let the beadlets do their thing.
I got this light from Ultraleds and I really wish it was a bit less bulky. It's used on boats and such so not designed with small tanks in mind :lol:
If you want the link, just send me a pm, but you will be looking to remove the current lighting 'arm' from the tank if you want to install this unit permanently. At the mo I don't have the lid on the tank properly as theu unit is resting underneath the current arm and there's not enough room to close the lid properly :D
Yes I did actually. The SG was 1.005 and it went completely brown completely fast :lol: I acclimatised it for an entire day but it still went brown.

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