I’m not taking the plunge!

infact thinking about it, you dont need an overflow on the top tank if the water from the lower tank gets sucked up from a certain height, say 20 mill from the top of the tank,

if the water dropped below this height in the lower tank, the pump wouldnt be able to suck any more water into the top tank, so the top one would never over flow
sakaspuds said:
infact thinking about it, you dont need an overflow on the top tank if the water from the lower tank gets sucked up from a certain height, say 20 mill from the top of the tank,

if the water dropped below this height in the lower tank, the pump wouldnt be able to suck any more water into the top tank, so the top one would never over flow
sounds interesting but i'm having a hard time visualizing it.
ok like this?

Wow, you spent some time doing that. Thanks. :) So how would I hook up a pump to it? It would have to be some kind of automated thing that turns on when the water level goes down in the higher tank or goes up on the lower tank. How would that work? I’m really unknowledgeable when it comes to the mechanics of things. I have basic filters set up on my tanks and my simple UV sterilizers took me a day to figure out. Pretty sad.
i have not ever tried anything like this myself, but basicly ... if the water level in the lower tank was to go up, due to water going down the bridge, the ball would rise with the water and hit the switch, the pump comes on, pumps water up to the top tank, but stops pumping when the ball drops below the micro switch

that's really a very interesting idea. I'll have to give it some thought. Of course my husband has to come in the office and pipe in 'what happens if the elctricity goes out!' :lol:
in that case its back to my first drawing, as long as both ends of the bridge are exactly the same height it shouldnt start emptying the higher tank
what if you made a loop instead of a bridge, both ends of the pipe go in the same fish tank, you have the bridge look, but only in one tank :S
Actually that's a grand idea! i could still have my bridge for now and then later expand. So now back to the original question. How can i make a base for the two ends. I don't want a round tube that will sit on the bottom. Something i could bring out of the tank in a square looking position. hey thanks so much for all your help, time and energy. :)
gaya1111 said:
Wow, you spent some time doing that. Thanks. :) So how would I hook up a pump to it? It would have to be some kind of automated thing that turns on when the water level goes down in the higher tank or goes up on the lower tank. How would that work? I’m really unknowledgeable when it comes to the mechanics of things. I have basic filters set up on my tanks and my simple UV sterilizers took me a day to figure out. Pretty sad.
It wouldn't actually have to turn on, you could leave it running, the hard part would be figuring what size pump you'd need to keep up with incoming water. But on another note I'm not sure a fish would tempt swimming through a tube that is basically a syphon. much less swim against the current.
if your doing a loop dont make it a circle back into the tank. Make it so the fish can swim level all the time without having to turn over.
Are you trying to just increase the water volume (by linking the 2 tanks) or are you trying to allow your fish to swim between them.

If its the first you will need to have an overflow system - or you will just setup a syphon.

Get hold of some perspex and build the following to hang on the side of your tank...

Its an overflow box. you set up a syphon from the main tank into the first section, position the box so that the devider between the 2 sections it at the height you want the water in the top tank. Then as the pump adds water to the top tank from the bottom, the water level will rise and overflow into the 2nd section. where is will go out of the hole (into the tube that will link to the bottom tank).


does that make sence?
I was thinking, you could do it without the return pumps & stuff. You would have to seal the top of the tank up, and connect the pipe to the top and seal that too. Fill the lower tank completely, and it would be sealed up something like a large cannister filter.

instead of alot of fancy gizmos and stuff it would be way easier just to make the tanks side by side and have the same water level

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