If your Bettas could talk......


Aug 5, 2005
Reaction score
Woking, England
Ok... so thought this might be a happy and comical thread for us Betta lovers!! Following this thread http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=104909 I couldn't resist posting this and asking you all to write down some comments! If you want to sketch out a little cartoon strip then feel free! Photos to go with the phrase would also be really good,
mybabieshavefins ' thread had me giggling for a while...as you can see if you read the thread and thought this might be a fun idea! Do hope mybabieshavefins doesn't mind but I just couldn't resist!
Please be as original as possible not just...... I want food!!
It's just a bit of harmless fun that's all..... something to make us all giggle hopefully!
"Dude, you rule. Thanks for getting me out of that S-hole walmart ashtray tank. How can I pay you back? Alright, I see that you like when I swim towards your finger - is that sufficient?"
Mine would say
"Here comes our most beautiful,wonderful mommy, we love her so much...I hope she has bloodworms!"

But what they really say everyday is:
"Turn on the stereo already, the silence is deafening!"
"Yeah, it's like a library in here"
"Yeah,make with it..."
"Come on!"
As you can tell they're rather demanding.

Sarah~ You didn't say what YOUR bettas would say :whistle:
I'm of the opinion Fishy-San is a psycho and would kill me given the chance.
So, probably something along the lines of, "Iiiiiiii'm waaaaatching yoooouuuuuuu!" as he peers out from the side of his tank.

No wonder i'm having trouble sleeping at night. :unsure:
"I vant to suck your blood!!"

I always thought that guy's green spots on his lower lip make him look like a vampire :p
All mine ever say is "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!"... or in the case of Mini, "Feed me NOW! I don't care if I've already eaten twice today!"
If Jeremiah could talk, I'm sure he'd be saying:

'I'm... too sexy for my fins... too sexy for my water....' etc.

Or 'Feeeeed me.... I'm wasting awaaay.... *buuurp* Ahem, yes. Where was I? Oh yes.... I'm staaaaaaarving!' :rolleyes:

And I have made a little comic strip to show what Pearl would say:

'Hmmmm..... it's a bit nippy in here.... better go check that the heater's working...'

'What the..! This thing isn't even on! Jeez, some mother I have!'

'Hello! Muuuuu-uuuuum! I've freezing my fins off in here! Can't you see the thermometer?!?! And get me some more grubworms while you're up!'

PLEASE NOTE: Pearls' tank is not too cold, and her heater is working fine. :)
betta one: oooo! u got food?
betta two: who r u looking at?
betta three: (-_-)..zzzz
betta four: hey! what you doing!
betta five: feed me!
betta six: if i was bigger id eat you.....
betta seven: go away you...

~ and yes i really just did go around to all my betta tubs to see what they were up too :D
Hannibals generally 'Oh. Its her.'
Tiberia, 'Maybe if I hang around the surface I can pursuade her its food time...'
Claudius, ' Pfft, flouncy little tetras. If she didn't have me in this stupid box I'd eat you, and those wriggly things that come out at night'
Vespasian, '*flares* Hey, my tank! Go away, and don't even think of coming any nearer!'
i got 4 :p

pic 1:- WHAT THE....... who dat??????
pic 3:- will u pee of with that camera mum
pic 4:- MMMMMMMMMM fingarrrrrrrrr


  • what_the_who_dat.jpg
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  • i_see_dead_people.jpg
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  • ahh_pee_of_with_that_camera.jpg
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  • mmm_fingar.jpg
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"You... I'm not scared of you.. Sure, you're 6 times my size, but I could take you... You're nothing but a OH GOD IT'S AFTER MY FLESH RUN!!!!!"
My girl Kaczy in the community tank likes to sit in front of the Dojos while they eat/sleep/whatever, and flare up... But never takes any action. But as soon as one of them starts to move, she dashes under a rock :)

Then there is...

"You... I'm not scared of you.... Sure, you're 600 times my size.... But I could take you. You're nothing but a filthy, filth.... Beautiful women! Are those bloodworms For me?"
my boy who flares at me constantly... until I feed him ^^
Rodchester always has this look like all he would do is cuss me out all the time. I'm in an abusive relationship :-(
CatLover said:
Rodchester always has this look like all he would do is cuss me out all the time. I'm in an abusive relationship :-(

lol^^ i love it.

Red would say -- Just get me outta here i cant hold a decent conversation with these halfwits!

Opal she would say --- Do i look like thin enough to you. whats this you're feeding me, flake, bio gold, blood worm. this is not good enough, do you know who i am!!?? (she's a bit delusional!)

Spyro is like -- did you really have to do the water change now??!! did you see that bubble nest??!! oh well *gulp* back to work! oooooo

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