If You Could Have Any 3 Tanks

I'd turn my cellar into a tank - there was an article in PFK ages ago where a guy did that - my other half would want to fill it with rays and arowana.... I'd have big plecs/catfish/bichir and a school of Oscars :p LOL
I would have a indoor swimming pool converted to a tropical pond and fill it with all the unwanted common plecs I could find.
the first tank I like the sound of except I;d scrub some of the larger cichlids in it and add Prochilodus and have a large shoal of discus in it and altum angels (can;t remember if he put that in there)

also with atank that size it would be interesting to put a shaol of red belly piranhas in there like the german display tank on you tube that houses neons and other tetras with a shoal of red bellies it looks lovely
Well i would deffo get a big enough tank like this with Pirarucu <ariprima :drool: just adore this tank,obviously id have to learn to scuba


i'd get a 300g tank with a stand and equipment and hire some peeps to keep the aquarium stats normal and have tetras and goldfish with like 100 corydads lol :D
Well after a long long think.

i would get 5 gallon tank with a awsomely cool £100,000,000 pound betta.

Cool or what ? :hey: :cool: B-)
100 Gallon full reef tank home to a hareem of clown fish.

6*2*2 full planted amazonian set up, A shoal of 10 high quality discus, 200 cardinal tetras and a shoal of 50 true corydoras julli.

6*2*2 Full Asian set up, with a shoal of 500 Trigonistigma espei and 100 pangio Khulii
lol, he had the sterling sign (i thought it was a pound sign?) BEFORE is but the WORD pound after, so it could either be wieght or cost...

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