Big fish
no one has said that they love dyed fish they have said that they like the way they look though. They aren't advocating the sale of these fish by likeing them and not buying them are they? You see most of us are responsable aquarists and do not buy every fish we like I like chambered nautiluses but I'm not going to buy one because they are overfished.
And you jelly bean parrots are far morelikely to have health problems than my glofish It's one gene at a very young age so young infact that the cant even FEEL the pain and It does not reduce survivability under normal conditions (above 44 degrees ferenhiet). And they were made to study development (this strain of glofish was anyways) once you get past how they were made its alot better to have glofish then it is to have longfinned ZD's IMO
P.S. dont put my name in quotes insde the command bracket and you can change the post by hitting the edit button at the top of it.
And you jelly bean parrots are far morelikely to have health problems than my glofish It's one gene at a very young age so young infact that the cant even FEEL the pain and It does not reduce survivability under normal conditions (above 44 degrees ferenhiet). And they were made to study development (this strain of glofish was anyways) once you get past how they were made its alot better to have glofish then it is to have longfinned ZD's IMO
P.S. dont put my name in quotes insde the command bracket and you can change the post by hitting the edit button at the top of it.