If Ur A Fish Lover

As a frequent visitor of the Death By Dyeing site and Forum, I can not see where you got this information from, I also can not see how you can think this

is good looking. Not to mention the fact that ever extra dyed fish on the market makes one less natural fish there, anyone else see a problem with this senario? Also I fail to see the point of trying to point out information being irelivant, that is not even there in the first place. It just dosn't make any sence.

Anyway, I will stand behind Mike in this as I believe he and Death By Dyeing and being unfairly treted and Unfairly put down.
To answer your question. It is a general comment to all. It is not addressed to a particular person, although it can be perceived that you were under attack. However if you did not feel that, my apologies. It is just part of my remit to look after the welfare of all members, and as the 1st rule of this forum states, "there will be no bashing of members".
I didn't notice that you ere a harrasment officer (congrats) he was saying that I don't speak for everyone.

I would like death by dyeing if it closed two gaps

1 Your websight doesn't work with non-standard resolution/ text size


2 Its not backed up by any recognizable offical body or experts

the second one being the larger point of contention

also it seems a bit small but that could simply be due to time constraints on the part of the Mike.

All three of these things combind to form a websight that to me looks like it was wiped up in a weekend and there for is not sutable to be spread everywhere (you, and your movement, only get one chance at a first impression)

A lot of web sites are pretty crude. Often the reason is people put their time and effort into the message rather then the presentation.

A slick site does not necessarily mean quality content.

As a general remark to all, if I see any more people "starring" out letters of obvious swear words to get round the swear filter, I will act.
opcn said:
... Its not backed up by any recognizable official body or experts


Hi opcn :)

What is an expert anyway? :unsure:

IMHO, an expert is a person who has done extensive research, undergone training, and/or has considerable experience in a particular field.

In some areas, the leading experts might have an affiliation with a university or other scientific institution, but this is by no means required for an individual to qualify as an expert. In many areas of interest, their is no suitable body of other "experts" or professionals that could support or recognize them.

DeathbyDyeing is a new and relatively small organization, but in time it will grow in numbers and that very organization will serve as the group that validates the veracity of its spokesperson, Mr. Giangrasso. :nod:
LL I agree with you that there is far too many members trying to get around the swearing filter by adding letters etc. It is offensive to all readers. I have been watching these with concern and it seems once one person gets away with it others like sheep, follow.
There is no need for it no matter how strong the emotive feeling. It can be expressed with other words. I am pleased that there is someone else that has noticed it.
Yes I agree, something needs to be and will be done about it.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Thanks Inchworm, lateral line, and Cichlids!

As for the site's looks, I just recently worked for hours on a completely new site layout (menu bar). I hope that with this new, more professional look that you can appreciate what the web site has to offer rather then dwelling on it's looks. Please also note that I take particular offence to that comment as I am a professional graphic/web site designer, so if I come across as a little harsh, that is why.

Dragon - I had no idea that upset you. As it is not my intention to do so, I will not any more. It is my last wish that I offend any member of this forum. I will edit my message immediately. When I typed it I was trying to express my emotion... Also: Thank you for looking out for me and other members. You seem to have control over situations and thus you make a great admin (if you are one, if not, I suggest somebody makes you one!). Thank you again.

Mike Giangrasso
I have added one to my signature.

This is cruel and should be made illegal. How would we like it if a fish came along a decided it wanted a blue or pink or some other stupid colour human and decided to dye us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


p.s someone needs to speak for the fish because they can't do it for themselves.
kaz petts said:
...someone needs to speak for the fish because they can't do it for themselves.
Hi kaz petts :)

That's soooo true! :nod: :thumbs:

It makes me so sad when I think about all those poor dyed cory cats. :-( They are more beautiful in their natural colors than they are dyed anyway!
Inchworm @ Apr 18 2004 said:
DeathbyDyeing is a new and relatively small organization
Thats exactly my side of the argument 55 came along guns blazeing about DBD and how it was a huge organization. Don't get me wrong I like the websights message and I believe in it much more now that Mike came along and explained himself I just think we need to give him more time before we start saying what he has is a finnished product. That and I'd really like to see something more that a second hand account on the numbers origianateing from one lower down in one fish dyeing plant for one method. I really would like to see more info. (on the sight) so that it makes the movement look like the enlightened thing to do not just a variant of the anti-fur movement thats all.

i think that dying fish should be delt with in the same fashion as animal abuse cases
unfortunately, fish are not recognized in the same way
they are as disposable as plants, and noone seems to care
about altering plants for profit.
this is just one of the many problems man has created as a "superior being"
my money stands on, no matter how many of us protest, it will never stop,
and if we stop dying fish, there will always be something else

but, we should still keep fighting the good fight and hopefully one day our leaders will get it through their big bulbusy heads that as "higher organisms" we should be more evolved and therefore more intelligent :no:
don't blame the leaders blame society. the leaders are just folowing societies will and until society sees animal abuse as aproblem it won't be fixed.

tuped societs :grr:

Dyeing fish is cruel and unnesesary. Why buy a dyed fish when you can easily get an equally colorful regular fish. I agree with Pointy kitty that people think fish are as desposable as plants, but I think of them as pets. Animal cruelty should apply to all animals, including fish. I strongly believe in what mike is saying and he should continue his website and teach people what dying does to fish and tell them that it does hurt them. Sometimes people treat fish like household decorations and those people buy dyed fish and bettas because they think "oh that matches my couch" or "Ooh that's so pretty", but the fish can't say, "Heck no I ain't living in no stinkin cup", so people have to speak up for them, and that is what mike is doing. Good job Mike and keep up the good work :thumbs: :)
Thanks, all! I am glad you approve!

To all of you that still don't; :p

No, but seriously, does it really matter how big or small an organization is? Does it matter how good the site looks, or if all of the articles are written by people with phd degrees? Isn't what the site stands for that makes all of the impact? Yes, DBD is a small organization and will always be one, but does that effect it's merit? Do I have to air commercials and advertisements, have collection cups in every supermarket, and flyers in every pet store? I think not! Sometimes smaller is better, for if DBD were so large, I would not be able to individually answer any and all controversy about it.
opcn said:
...Don't get me wrong I like the websights message and I believe in it much more now that Mike came along and explained himself I just think we need to give him more time before we start saying what he has is a finnished product. That and I'd really like to see something more that a second hand account on the numbers origianateing from one lower down in one fish dyeing plant for one method. I really would like to see more info. (on the sight) so that it makes the movement look like the enlightened thing to do not just a variant of the anti-fur movement thats all.
Hi opcn. :)

I'm glad to see that you agree with the organization's message. :nod:

What they really seem to need is a person with your exceptional research skills to lend them a hand. :thumbs:

Why not give the idea some thought? :unsure:

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