If I'm not here for a couple of days....

Main Entry: 1limb
Pronunciation: 'lim
Function: noun

2 : a large primary branch of a tree

Synirr said:
Main Entry: 1limb
Pronunciation: 'lim
Function: noun

2 : a large primary branch of a tree

Ahh, okay :)
I was thinking limbs of something else -_-
Dwarf_Dude said:
I was thinking limbs of something else -_-
Haha, I just got the funniest mental image of my yard being littered with arms and legs :lol:
Yaaaaaay, our electricity came back on tonight!! Thank GOD. I'm normally ok without air conditioning, but it was 91 degrees in here today :crazy:
I'm gonna try to do some shipping tomorrow... that is, if UPS has gotten their new shipment of boxes in yet. :grr: I'm not making that mistake again!

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