Idk what’s wrong ):

Have you got a spare filter etc. Take some media from your established tank filter and put it in the other filter and some of the tank water. I know you need to wait at least 24 hours but obviously you can’t in this situation. Please correct me if I’m wrong. With the Ich you need to do a 75% - 90% water change, substrate clean and inside glass clean. Temp needs to be raised and Increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise oxygen levels in the water for 2 weeks but I’m not sure how you can do this while you are treating with aquarium salt for the bacteria infection if this is what it is. Maybe @Colin_T can help out abit more for you hun as I don’t want to give you information that could be incorrect for the situation. Good luck
This is my otto I moved to the sick tank! Looks much better in a span of hours! My only issue now is I clearly need to remove my fish from their tank but my sick tank is only 3.5 gallons and I don’t want to reinfect the fish that are getting better. Hmmm very stumped. Thinking about getting a big Tupperware bin and moving the rest of my fish into it with no gravel and hooking my clip on filter after rinsing it to it. That way I’ll be able to do a deep clean of my 15 gallon and get all the grossness out. But LOOK AT THAT DIFFERENCE WOOO
It damages their gills over time. Byron went into it a few times but I dont remember which thread
Lost all my tetras overnight ): ottos look better and I’m picking up Columnaris meds now! Guppies still alive but look like they have some ammonia burns or tail rot which is interesting since I’ve been doing water changes ever day and syphoning the gravel. Wish me luck! Ottos still doing good!
Lost all my tetras overnight ): ottos look better and I’m picking up Columnaris meds now! Guppies still alive but look like they have some ammonia burns or tail rot which is interesting since I’ve been doing water changes ever day and syphoning the gravel. Wish me luck! Ottos still doing good!
Good luck!
On the ammonia burns, is there a chance you forgot to dechlorinate the water on one of the changes? Chlorine can burn the same way
It damages their gills over time. Byron went into it a few times but I dont remember which thread
Yeesh, I had no idea. I will get some Seachem stuff when my birthday rolls around.
If you mean Prime, that's got a lot of stuff in it and Seachem won't say what it all is.

If you want a water conditioner that contains the least chemicals look at API Tap Water Conditioner - that contains only thiosulphate (to remove ammonia) and EDTA (to bind metals).
Good luck!
On the ammonia burns, is there a chance you forgot to dechlorinate the water on one of the changes? Chlorine can burn the same way
Thank you! And no if anything I’ve been over de chlorinating. Picked up Kanaplex and metroplex and focus and dosing their foods! Hoping for the best
I am going through the same with the shrimp tank. I’ve vacuumed a lot of the BB out and that is probably what you are doing, what are your parameters? I am using stability to help build mine back up while I’m doing my water changes now. I couldn’t find tetra quick start here. I have been priming every bit of water that goes into that tank too.
Update!! All tetras died but my guppies and ottos are looking so much better! I’m so happy I managed to save some of them! It was ich along with a bacterial infection

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