Identifying A Fish ( New Member )


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Hello all,,

iv a few fish in my tank,, always wanted a tank,, now iv had it 6mnths or so and want to see if i can get any baby fish,,

wanted to know the type of this fish so i an look up how to sex the fish and see what is needed to breed ,,

thanks all,..

( soz pic bit fuzzy )

Thanks for the fast reply,,,

is it possible for fry to survive in a communal tank as in ,,, from laying the eggs extra?

or is it only poss for fry to be born in there own tank??

Thank again
To breed them, they are best kept in a species only tank as they may get eaten.
Gouramies can be a little agressive and more so when they are breeding.
Have aread further down on the link and it will give alittle more detail about breeding.
was wondering if you could have a look at this fish for me,, its stomach is quite bloated ,,

Does look a little bloated, can you get a couple more pics?
Looks like a female to me because of the rounded dorsal fin. Also looks as if you've got a nice bubble nest there too!
Does look a little bloated, can you get a couple more pics?
Looks like a female to me because of the rounded dorsal fin. Also looks as if you've got a nice bubble nest there too!

lol took me 15min to get that 1 ,, like it knows im taking a picture, lol

i will try,,,

bubble nest,,? r they necessary?
I know the feeling!

The male will create a bubble nest and then entice the female under it. This may take a while as he will chase her away a few times until he is ready. When he is ready, he will wrao himself around her, causing her to release eggs. Whilst she is releasing the eggs, he will fertilise them. He will collect any fallen eggs and spit them into the bubble nest.
It is best to remove the female as he will become very protective and may attack her. The male continues to look after the eggs until they hatch about three days later. Once the eggs start to hatch, remove the male as he will see the new fry as food.
got the pictures done just need to load them up,,,

the bubbles are from the air stone i think,, tho now you say it im not to sure,,,

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