Identify my Cory

Hey guys, did I just get lucky with my two rescued Corys? Noticed what looks like eggs on this rock in their tank today, there are also a couple stuck on the glass near this spot. I also have a bunch of Buenos Aires Tetras in the tank, but other than that if these are actually eggs they must belong to the Corys. If so I need to set up a fry tank ASAP and just put the entire rock into it.
Egads!! I just noticed that there are eggs on all the other rocks in this tank too!! Dunno if you can see them in the photo but they are there. I can't imagine fry surviving in that tank, so the question now is what do I do? I can remove that one rock but what about all the others? I have an extra 10 gal tank I can use for the fry, but I have no place to put it in my small apartment.
So what do you guys think? Personally I think I need to just plant that tank up as best I can and hope for the best.
Wow, I wasn't even trying to breed these fish.

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