Identifing Fry


Mostly New Member
Jun 18, 2014
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Im a newbie and I'm two weeks into a planted fish less cycle

I've just notice lots a fry in and around the gravel

Can anyone identify them and will continuing the cycle harm them


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I probably need new specs but they don't look like fry to me.
Did you wash the gravel thoroughly before putting it in?
Yes, washed gravel before putting it in

I think their fry, their wriggling a lot!
They look like worms or something, but it's a fishless cycle where could fry have come from.  I'd guess some sort of creepy crawly whose eggs came on plants, or if you used, used media, or gravel etc.
I certainly could hope in guessing what they are without clearer pictures, but maybe someone will be along who has experienced something similar and can recognise them from the pictures.
Can you perhaps fish some out into a clear glass and take a pic? I'd imagine they have come off the plants rather than the gravel especially if the gravel is new? did you buy the plants in a fish shop with fish in the tank? they may be some form of midge larvae or even shrimp it's difficult to say, do they just stay on the gravel? 
I suppose they could be insect lava, they look like Planaria
Perhaps a ready made snack for my fish when I get them

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