Ich Treatment Questions: Salt + Heat + Medicine Too Much?

Sorry, disappeared from the internet a couple days!
I didn't hear anything when I did my research on plecos one way or the other.  I did read various different things on cories though. 
Nobody seemed to think heat bugged cories more then any other fish, from what I saw, but a lot of people debated whether they could deal well with the salt treatment or not.  The general consensus seemed to be if you added it in very gradually they could deal with lower doses, but that they did less well with it then scaled fish.  That being said, I saw several posts about people who treated their cories with normal "medicinal" amounts of salt (just added it in gradually) and reported no problems.
Hopefully somebody who knows more then me can provide better info... hope that helps a bit though.  : )
my tank has the dreaded ich---how often should I do a partial water change/vacuuming---and what percentage should I change at a time---I half dosed with QuickCure and then went with 4 tbs iodine free table salt---will add some more salt tomorrow----will raise temp in increments till I get to 86 degrees 
Hey guys, had an Ich outbreak the other day too. I figured rather than starting a new topic on it, I would continue with this one. Hope that's okay! I've had aquariums for a while now, just never had to deal with an Ich outbreak. I bought this: http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2752408 from Petsmart today. I have a 65 gallon, so I did 6 1/2 teaspoons. I have not done the salt treatment and I'm wondering what everyones thoughts are on the medicine I bought/switching to salt. My tank is usually around 78 degrees, but I'm considering turning it up to 80/82. Thoughts on this? I want to be proactive as possible an ensure that I don't lose any fish (already lost 1 clown loach). I was planning on doing a 25% water change tomorrow and then using the medicine, any other suggestions/ different routes to go? Thanks!
My experience with meds is poor, and I swear by the heat and salt only method simply cause it has never failed me.  Although, Kordon is a trust brand, I believe.  I've bumped up a tropical tank to 90 with no observed harm to my fish (rummynose tetras).
If you're thinking about switching from the meds to salt, I would remove the meds first with fresh carbon.  There may be instructions on how to remove the Kordon meds on the bottle.
It's hard to lose a beloved fish.  Good luck, and keep us posted!

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