Iced My Fish :-(

i recently had to kill an emporor tetra. it had a swim bladder problem and couldnt float, was constantly swimming vertically. got up one day, it was like it,not wanting to kill it if i didnt have to, i thought "it'll be dead within a few dyas, they always are".

this was 4 and a half months ago. he had managed to survive and eat that long, eventually i got home one day and he was resting on the bottom, he kept having spurts of movement up the tank, but it had finally beaten him, so i killed him.

i can appeeciate some fish are difficult to kill from a 'feelings' point of view, but it was a tetra, no biggie. i wouldnt like to be in a position where i have to put things like 15 year old oscars, and big cats which are far more like 'proper' pets.
That's how I'd save my fish if my tank somehow broke. Throw them in the toilet and hope they don't die/swim away.
+1 eagles. They still have a POSSIBILITY to live as they're in water. For then. Then they go to the sewer and eventually die but still if it's ease we want that's ease for you.

You would throw all your fish in the toilet if your tank broke? Are you for real? Do you not have a bucket/container handy for something like that? Wow, totally amazing.

If ease is all we are looking for, then flushing would win.

I dont think many dogs would fit down a toilet :\
I guess we just need to disagree here Tizer. I am not a decapitation guy. I think clove oil is the way to go. You obviously disagree with that (through all your snarky sarcasm). You deal with your fish, your way, and I will deal with mine, my way.
Doesn't matter how you do it, as long as it's painless. No point arguing about it or comparing fish with cats and dogs.

Can we close this old and repetitive thread now?
I could never used the baga nd brick method. I believe it is messy and just disgusting. Yeah I get, it kills the fish faster, but to me it just seems wrong. If I had to put a fish to sleep, I would put them in a paper/ plastic cup and put it in the freezer. The slower transition to cold is better than just and ice bag. They basically fall asleep and then dont wake up. sad but I find this best.

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