Ian's Nano Cube

aah so it's bigger than the fluval mini... i think thats 22grams.....
How's this going dude? Been a couple of weeks since the last update?
no he hasn't, they don't call me Steve ; ). Just been far to busy with my new job. Will try and get some pics up later.
just took a quick snap shot of the tank tonight...it's getting really neglected at the moment. My new job is taking up a lot of time at the moment...don't mention implementation within the NHS.

The water hasn't been changed for 2 weeks, it has been topped off. There is approx 50 shrimp in there at the moment, that most likely why it's stayed clean. The riccia needs trimming, the HM needs trimming.

snap shot by Ian Holdich, on Flickr
Looking good tho dude, oh yeah poor Ian,

P.S. You scape more than me lol ;)
3 months later...

this has turned into a bit of a no water water change (well once in a blue moon), leave it alone type of do you own thing scape.

The shrimp are having babies right left and center...

heres a couple of pics

jung2 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr

and a CRS trying to escape.

jung1 by Ian Holdich, on Flickr
Wow very clean looking :drool:
thats cos of the army of shrimp in there Bae...theres a fair few CRS babies as well.
Sorry I meant neat not literally clean but it is that too :hyper:
lol sorry...i need to get more 'street'! Next you'll be using the word 'sick'! :lol:
:lol: I meant it has definite lines to it and nothing looks overgrown and ragged


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