Ian's 80Cm (Hc Gone, Moss Added)

Looking good Ian, shrimp is a nice deep red more sukuri red than your typical cherry... stunning either way.... im sure the HC and stems will perk up, give it time.

The ranunculus is growing on me, my nephew had it a couple months back but didn't have any success with it (i think more neglect due to moving than anything).... if you manage to get over run..... give us a shout if you have any trimmings and ill have them off ya... just PM me a price and that.

Keep up the good work mate, will look stunning once grown in abit :good:
cheers Jake, i'll send you some when it takes off. Apparently it can take ages to take off. The HC is spreading, it's just melting in certain areas. I'm pretty confident it'll be reete.

and along the back
It's different isn't it, how big will it get eventually?

Looking good Ian, shrimp is a nice deep red more sukuri red than your typical cherry... stunning either way....
I have a couple of shrimp like that - the very deep rich red colour. It must just be a (relatively!) natural variation of the red colouring but my last lot of cherries didn't have any that deeply coloured. I like it.
It's different isn't it, how big will it get eventually?

It is very different, it's a really nice looking plant, it gets to about 5-10cm, so it stays really small. :good:
Could make for an interesting addition to the tank. I like the leaf shape. Would be nice in a Dutch scape. ;)
It would if you can get it across the pond. From what i understand, Tropica have full propagation rights on this plant at the moment. It's only been available on sale for about 2 months (if that). It looks amazing once it starts to spread.
Not sure if I've missed something, but has Mr Amano's cutting gone in this tank, or did it not fare very well in the Trigon?
Looking good Ian, shame you had to say goodbye to the corner tank.

Loving the pencils, as you know I'm considering these for my next project, and wow at the wood! Beautiful!

Might have to purchase a copy of Kasabians new album too, as we share similar musical taste, and I believe when you say it's worth the buy!

it did well actually, some has gone to other members, some is in my bucket in the garden with a load of melting Crypts. Once i get chnace i'll sort through the bucket and get you some sent out if you like?

sorry James...lol, yeah it's work a buy this one. I didn't like the last album, but this one is much better. Thanks for the compliment mate!
it did well actually, some has gone to other members, some is in my bucket in the garden with a load of melting Crypts. Once i get chnace i'll sort through the bucket and get you some sent out if you like?

you're not planning to add it to the new tank? Wouldn't say no to the offer!

Letting it sit outside in a bucket with rotting plants??? I REALLY don't understand the planted side!
i really thought they'd last more than 4 days in a bucket of water. I presume that because they came out of a high tech tank and straight into a bucket of water, that they decided to do a melt. I'm not adding it to this new tank.
heres a quick vid for James...the Pencilfish

heres a quick vid for James...the Pencilfish

Oh thanks mate! That's cracking that, they are great fish!

I've just PM'd you aswell regarding something else


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