I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2009
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hey all,

so then, this isnt really all to do with fish, but its the fish that suffered :(

i was at home last night with some friends when there was a knock at my door.
i opened it only to have it shoved in my face, 2 guys came in.
1 hit me on the back of the head with a tire iron thingy, then again on the other side of the face.
they smashed my 4ft fish only tank, sending fish, water and rocks everywhere!!!
they then hit me again

my mates managed to push one to the ground but it wasnt much use.
they saw my rent money in my metal lock box that had been thrown on the floor, grabbed it and ran off.
so, i spent the night at A and E and then most of today at the police station :(

im ok, just a bit bruised and angry, luckily i lost none of the fish, they are all over in my coral frag tank, which is bad cos my trigger will no doubt eat my corals now :(

anyways, just thought id share my misfortune with you all
hey all,

so then, this isnt really all to do with fish, but its the fish that suffered :(

i was at home last night with some friends when there was a knock at my door.
i opened it only to have it shoved in my face, 2 guys came in.
1 hit me on the back of the head with a tire iron thingy, then again on the other side of the face.
they smashed my 4ft fish only tank, sending fish, water and rocks everywhere!!!
they then hit me again

my mates managed to push one to the ground but it wasnt much use.
they saw my rent money in my metal lock box that had been thrown on the floor, grabbed it and ran off.
so, i spent the night at A and E and then most of today at the police station :(

im ok, just a bit bruised and angry, luckily i lost none of the fish, they are all over in my coral frag tank, which is bad cos my trigger will no doubt eat my corals now :(

anyways, just thought id share my misfortune with you all

oh #136## eck, hope you're ok? and the fish? god do you have any idea who they were then?
Sounds like someone who knows you. They obviously came for the rent money, and smashed your tank for the heck of it. Hope your not too sore! There are some bad people in this world.
cheers bud,

i have no idea :(
apparently there have been a few like it round my area :(
it makes me sick!

the tank is #71###ed, gonna have to take it to tip :( means buying a new big tank now :(
#92###!! That is so #71###ed its not even funny - I hope for a quick recovery for you and if you need any help scouring the net for a new big tank let me know Im always around ebay and the classifieds pm me the size budget and location if you want me to help out.
Oh no, that is just awful, they came into your home - thank God your daughter wasn't there :blink: are you ok?

Please let us know if there is anything we can do, take care of yourself

Seffie x
so sorry - - wish you and your tank a speedy recovery - - be comforted by KARMA
good god, that is just crazy
if they get caught they will be screwed, assualt with a weapon, house invasion, destruction of property
I hope they catch them

are you in the UK, if so I would go and get some self defense classes, can help a lot for peace of mind after an attack like that

if in the states, tazer, pepper spray even a handgun
the world is dangerous so being prepared never hurts even if it means having a shotgun

or if your a dog person a new puppy is good, then train in shutzhund or another protection sport, its fun for your dog and trains proper obedience
and not much is more scary then a properly trained 100lbs dog running at you
they can even be trained to recognize a weapon and attack the arm with it to prevent harm

hope your ok mate, i know some pretty useful charictors if you ever find out where they live. Hope they get caught and banged up. Things like the should be an eye for an eye IMO.
there is some real scum in this world theres not much you can do to prevent such things like this hope you and your tank make a quick recovery

the only defence against something like this is a heavy duty chain and bolt on the door

hope they get caught or teached a lesson by some one

cheers guys :)

ill put some pics of the devastation up later, still trying to sort things out.
50 odd gallons of saltwater over my wooden fllor and plugs wasnt good :(
police have my phone, and my home phone got soaked so i dont have any way of contacting anyone apart from facebook :(

i think im going to move away from the town centre, somewhere in a big open area, or even a flat so i physically have to let them in before they enter my house.

im not a wimp and im certainly not a fighter, but this has actually scared me silly.
im so glad no one else was hurt and my little girl wasnt here!

in hindsight i could have probably prevented some of it, but it all happened so fast i didnt get time to think :(

thanks again for the support :)
Hm, had something like this happen to me but not my tank, hope your alright! and hope you catch the chaps who did it, did you get a good look at there face's?
im not suprised it scared you if i was you it would me too hopefully theyle catch them

i personally would go for a flat type place but a nice one that you can have neighbours to
rely on in such circumstances
Think it would have scared the beejeezers out of anyone - be good to move somewhere else :good:

Seffie x

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