i want him :)


im not the jedi i should be
May 30, 2004
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south carolina

we have one of these guys at work and i am absolutely in love with him :wub:
when i get enough money for a suitable cage and accesories, i will buy him. (hes either $25 or 29)

the one at work is a cricket monger! we are only supposed to give them 2-4 crickets but he will greedily take 7 or 8. (dont tell my manager -_- )

arent they cute? :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
He is very different, interested in what type of lizard he is, does he bite? I am not very good with lizrds, snakes, spiders....they are nice to look at though through glass or in a pcture :)
That's a yellow throated plated lizard. Mine just passed away last week, and I had him for two weeks -_- They don't bite hard, will eat mealworms, crickets etc, and mine was very easy to train. I hand fed him mealworms every other day until I picked him up and began handling him. Be sure to use sand or bark. Slinky ate a piece of gravel :rip: If you get one, you will love it :D I'm done with lizards for a while though, I can't replace him :X

Here's a thread I had, he's on the 2nd page Link
I would go for bark. Sometimes when lizards eat, they scoop up sand with the cricket and it can cause impactation.

Isn't it beautiful....I want one!

Sorry to hear about yours, dwarf.

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