" I Want Attention"


Fish Crazy
Jun 21, 2008
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Barry, South Wales
So, we were given a tank and he wanted a scorpion.

I won.

We now have fish.

I have only had them a week, week and a half at the most and my partner is saying I put all my attention on the fish!!

How do your partners handle your fishy obsession?
I dont have a partner, but if i did, she would have to deal with it. Or , i would suggest a hobby for her so she can have something to spend time on, instad of sulking and complaining, saying im spending more time on my fish than i am with her.
hehe. I try to involve him and tell him what im learning as I am learning it. and he gives me this vacant look like..

shut up, why on earth would I care?

He got excited.. slightly... about bazil, our betta.

He doesnt have many emotions or reactions in him though. everything seems to get the same reaction!
my wife has to be involved since she helps me with the water changes and the cleaning, which is a two person job... but she gets the aesthetically pleasing sight of a clean healthy aquarium... which is a positive thing in the household.
Well said Dorkhedeos. I care very much about my fish and luckly just now after 7 months of dating I got my girlfriend interested in fish and she has begun to keep bettas and is planning on eventually breeding them. It makes it a lot easier now that she understand the importance of them.
My boyfriend has his own hobbies, expensive hobbies! Working on his off road jeep project keeps him from complaning much about the fish.....as you can see I said much LOL And I pretend to be intrested in the jeep so he feels good.
I got my first (and second... and third) tank when I didn't have a girlfriend, so I didn't have to deal with too much during the busywork getting them cycled.

Since then, though, what work the fish take comes before anything else, and the rest of the time I put into them I'm just sitting here drinking beer and staring at them, which is a nice easy activity she's welcome to join in.

However, since none of the girls I've dated have been familiar with the paraphernalia associated with the tanks, some confusion has come up. For example, one of them was freaked out by the gravel vac sitting on a table in the living room. She was convinced it was an "enhancement" pump.
lol!!! they do look a bit like one lol!!

I will work on him!

He bought me the betta as a present.

He wanted piranha!
After 27 years of marrage...I'm left to get on with it, as long as I keep the spending down. (what she dosn't know wont hurt her Eh!) LOL
My girlfriend wont even look at my fish. i love them and could spend all day in my lfs but when i take my girlfriend to let her choose to get her interested she doesnt seem one bit interested. so i just dont involve her anymore. tried and tried hard but failed.

I need to find her a hobbie so i can carry on with mine and spend as much time as i want with my fish. Any ideas?? lol
Romantic movies. Rent a stack of them and then be too busy with the tanks to watch them with her.

By male logic, this should be a win-win situation. Disclaimer: Male logic usually ends with me wondering why she's so angry.
Igot into fish keeping about a year ago and my girl didnt mind at first, cos she thought it wouldnt last. She takes some interest in it tho. She bought 3 fantails and an oranda(goldfish to her lol) aand put them in a tiny tank about 2 gal until i had to rescue 3 of them cos of the tank size. She is paying for it now but as the fish are getting too big for the tank i have, now she is buying me a 180ltr jewel record for xmas. A valuable lesson lerrt by her.

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