" I Want Attention"

I took the sensible approach and got myself a boyfriend who'se as much of a fish nut as I am :D

although having no one to say 'no, you really don't need another tank' can be more of a problem than you'd imagine. At one point we had 7 tanks in a 1 bedroom terraced house :rolleyes:
At one point we had 7 tanks in a 1 bedroom terraced house
Your lucky, I amassed 100 at the height of my obsession.
see we don't even have a garden, no yard, no outside space at all. front door goes straight onto the pavement nad it's a back to back terrace so we have neighbours on 3 sides. we have 1 open plan living room & kitchen, stairs, tiny hallway at the top of stairs, 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, cellar..... so to fit 7 tanks (and we're not talking 10 gal tanks here, biggest was 92gals) into that space takes some dedication!! :lol:
Ah the old Back to Backs. We started married life in one of those in Bradford on the early eighties (my wife's a Bradfordian). I can simpathise with you on the space aspect.

hopefully just another year or so and we'll be able to mvoe somewhere a bit bigger. house was fine when i lived by myself, but for two people it's a bit cramped. :lol:
I keep my fishy business between me and the people here :p only talking about it here and there with the OH. Dispite them being partly her's aswell im pretty sure she's not as interested as i am :p ha
my wife goes doublie spare :rolleyes:
firstly you get arrhh you spending all your time with you fish" er no its my day off and the boys need water changes other wise you cant bring all your offices friends round to admire MY FISH!!!!!! when they arrive it "oh come and look at my beautiful oscars" cough "whos?"

secondly my god you spend all that time on internet what you doing? i bet your looking at that fish porn again :shifty:
Romantic movies. Rent a stack of them and then be too busy with the tanks to watch them with her.

By male logic, this should be a win-win situation. Disclaimer: Male logic usually ends with me wondering why she's so angry.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
So true for me too

i got lucky with my OH. she loves the fish too. she pretty much does nothing to care for them but she loves to look at them. actually she fed them for the first time in a year last night while i wasn't home. sadly, sundays are usually the day i starve them :/
My other half complains and takes the p**s out of me, then moans when I drag her along to the LFS...and the second she walks in the door she starts going , "Can we get that one?"

One day I'll get a tank big enough to hold the angels she fancies so much. Or convert to marine and buy 'Nemo'
My Girl was happy about me getting the Piranha ...

I got stuck in a funny situation where I was cycling the tank with the fish in it ... that meant constant water changes.

The tank I bought the piranha was in was only a 30 Gallon so I went out and bought a brand new 75 Gallon, 2 x 70 Filters, Heaters, Lid etc needless to say once the money was rapidly being spent ...

it went from "Wow the Piranha is cool" to "Stupid fish".

I am currently just trying to smooth her over to get another tank ... its been a slow process.
Promise her things in exchange. The promise of an engagement ring will buy a lot of blind eye when you get to the LFS checkout.

(Don't do that if you don't actually intend to marry her mind-unless you're a real b*****d that is.)

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