I Want A Nano.

... I really want an anemone. I guess I can't have one with a nano. :sad: So a torch coral you say? They look pretty cool, I looked them up. Sorry I didn't see the powerhead link. Would the lights you showed be enough for some of the harder corals? Specifically, Acropora and this?
Anemones are beautiful animals. Sadly, some people insist on buying them without really taking into consideration their needs or the negative effects on their tanks when they die. Since we all know how beautiful they are, let's just quickly review some anemone facts:

-anemones are long-lived animals
-they require high lighting
-when an anemone is unhappy, it will move to find an area in the aquarium to survive. It doesn't 'know' it's trapped in a nano tank
-when the anemone moves, it will sting the #$%^& out of anything in it's way
-anemones are extremely toxic when they die; they will nuke an entire tank very quickly
-if an anemone makes it's way to your powerhead intake, the resulting blenderization is not pretty

The choice is easy.

Just personal preference I guess. I think they look better than a lot of what I've seen.
n3..that is a black tube coral.....a VERY DIFFICULT coral to care for. It needs to be feed (it is NOT photosynthetic). I think you should start your reading now. Already you are choosing a path to the following TFF Post:

"Help, my nano cube is dying"

I highly recommend that you buy Fenner's Conscientious Marine Aquarist.

n3..that is a black tube coral.....a VERY DIFFICULT coral to care for. It needs to be feed (it is NOT photosynthetic). I think you should start your reading now. Already you are choosing a path to the following TFF Post:

"Help, my nano cube is dying"

I highly recommend that you buy Fenner's Conscientious Marine Aquarist.


Just out of sheer curiosity, is it VERY DIFFICULT just because you need to spot feed it or is there something the doctors left out?

Three things really. #1 it needs to be regularly spot-fed. And lets be honest, spot feeding gets old after a while and many people end up neglecting the specemin. #2 they are exceptionally aggressive species and if they get knocked loose and float around the tank or encroach on the territories of nearby corals or other inverts, they WILL sting them to death. #3 because they are so aggressive, they can gobble up smaller un-suspecting fish and inverts.
Mkay, that's off my list. :rolleyes: Thatnks for telling me. BAck to my other question though, what kind of lighting should I be looking at for a 20g long? It's not that deep, so would I still need metal halides? Could someone point me towards a good light? I know somebody did in an earlier post, but would that be enough?
You'd probably be looking at a dual PC fixture or a quad T5 fixture that spans as much of the tank length as you can get. That would give you lots of flexibility as far as corals goes

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