I used to be an avid fishkeeper, but have not had a tank running in a little over a year. It was just a lot of work and eventually after the fish I had died, I just drained the tank and never got new ones. I have a 10 gallon, 29 gallon and 55 gallon tank and want a community of cool looking, exotic tropical fish. I want things that are fun to watch and see how they interact with each other. For example, lobsters, crayfish, crabs, shrimp, snails, plecostomus/otocinclus, dinosaur bichir, albino corydoras, eels, knifefish, loaches, sharks, and other cool looking, interesting fish. I want to have a lot that can get together peacefully, not where one day I will notice 5 of them have gone missing and see empty snail shells or something. I would like to have plants like duckweed, marimo moss balls, java fern and other plants that do well in low light if acceptable, but if the fish will uproot/destroy them then I won't plant it.
What tank size do you recommend, and what fish?
What tank size do you recommend, and what fish?