Not sure about superbac, but I did try Soll bactinettes and it worked wonders for my tank. It is the bacteria that comes in small black capsules and covered in an ammonia and nitrite solution. You have to chuck out the solution and add the capsules to your filter and let the tank cycle for 2 days. I added 3 fish (2 mollies and one betta) in 2 days and the ammonia is still 0 after a week. Just that there are traces of nitrite which I'm waiting to get to 0 before I can add new fish.
As to why there are traces of nitrite? I assume it is because I did not pop the bottle into the fridge as soon as I got home from he lfs (it was in his fridge) and it was left standing at room temperature for around 8 hours. So I assume it might have taken the lives of many bacteria
And before anyone accuses me of spamming, I'm not, just thought I'd share my experiences. Not sure if superbac is similar to bactinettes in which case it might work. Also, I'd like to point that I'm a newbie and my first attempt at fishkeeping and I have no scientific backing as to how these bacteria establish or work - as long as it works
Just thought I'd add my 2p