I Tried A New Product Superbac For Cycling And It Worked Great

So much for the olive branch. You're just a little #### aren't you? Well, 26 years old. Internet generation. Sit in front of a video screen and don't do anything for yourself and think you know everything.

How strange, I'm considered stupid because I was born during a certain generation?
Well, in that case, I guess considering internet is enlightening you must be stupid.
Temper, temper. I do know people get paid to sell products but I've never seen them get so into the role of offended innocent.
pmsl, that's really quite funny

well i'm 24 and obviously an idiot because i use the internet too, yay for stupidity i say :D
I'm 26... funny how my Mother, who is in her 60s, and my Father, who is in his 70s keep calling me and my husband (also 26 - at least until the 23rd of this month) for computer and internet advice.... I wonder why that is. In fact, they also call for help with their digital camera and printer.

I feel so stupid, being able to help them.

In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, my sister, who is 36, ALSO asks my husband and I for internet and computer help...!

Oh, and for those who need proof of non-stupidity, I got a 1300 on the SATs before they changed to the newer format... that's out of 1600 for those who don't live in the US. Granted, my math score was average, but no one can call me stupid with a 740 on the verbal (out of 800).

This post has gone so low as name-calling... how infantile - especially from someone calling the "google" generation stupid.
This post has gone so low as name-calling... how infantile - especially from someone calling the "google" generation stupid.

I don't know, it's keeping me pretty entertained - I can't resist seeing people proven wrong with science. But I agree, knowing how to do research and use it to prove your point, rather than asking a nameless friend, is nothing to be ashamed of - as if Google Scholar was less valid because you don't have to trawl through dusty hardcopy journals in a library! As a university student, my lecturers reccommend that we use it to find more articles.
Just because you're new to the site doesn't mean you're new to fishkeeping, and wanting to pass along some good products is helpful to the rest of usno matter how many previous posts there have been.
well said
Not sure about superbac, but I did try Soll bactinettes and it worked wonders for my tank. It is the bacteria that comes in small black capsules and covered in an ammonia and nitrite solution. You have to chuck out the solution and add the capsules to your filter and let the tank cycle for 2 days. I added 3 fish (2 mollies and one betta) in 2 days and the ammonia is still 0 after a week. Just that there are traces of nitrite which I'm waiting to get to 0 before I can add new fish.

As to why there are traces of nitrite? I assume it is because I did not pop the bottle into the fridge as soon as I got home from he lfs (it was in his fridge) and it was left standing at room temperature for around 8 hours. So I assume it might have taken the lives of many bacteria :(

And before anyone accuses me of spamming, I'm not, just thought I'd share my experiences. Not sure if superbac is similar to bactinettes in which case it might work. Also, I'd like to point that I'm a newbie and my first attempt at fishkeeping and I have no scientific backing as to how these bacteria establish or work - as long as it works :)

Just thought I'd add my 2p :)
Not sure about superbac, but I did try Soll bactinettes and it worked wonders for my tank. It is the bacteria that comes in small black capsules and covered in an ammonia and nitrite solution. You have to chuck out the solution and add the capsules to your filter and let the tank cycle for 2 days. I added 3 fish (2 mollies and one betta) in 2 days and the ammonia is still 0 after a week. Just that there are traces of nitrite which I'm waiting to get to 0 before I can add new fish.

As to why there are traces of nitrite? I assume it is because I did not pop the bottle into the fridge as soon as I got home from he lfs (it was in his fridge) and it was left standing at room temperature for around 8 hours. So I assume it might have taken the lives of many bacteria :(

And before anyone accuses me of spamming, I'm not, just thought I'd share my experiences. Not sure if superbac is similar to bactinettes in which case it might work. Also, I'd like to point that I'm a newbie and my first attempt at fishkeeping and I have no scientific backing as to how these bacteria establish or work - as long as it works :)

Just thought I'd add my 2p :)

lol! I love how you make sure no one thinks you're trying to pick a fight or anything! That product does sound promising, as it come with a food source for the bacteria, and is kept refrigerated. I wonder if anyone else has used this item and can add their own two cents.
LOL! It's easy to be misunderstood sometimes :)

BTW, I did a google search for "Soll bactinettes" and had a lot of results come up. Apparently it has also been discussed [post="1554607"]here[/post]. This is the link to the website http://www.soelltec.de/gb/products/produkt...amp;k=1&l=2 the bottle I got looked a bit different though

Hope this helps. I guess this product saved my fish since I knew nothing about a fishless cycle and I would most probably have put fish in after a week.

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