I Think My Tank Is Cycled :-)


Fish Addict
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
west midlands,uk
for the last 3 days i have had next to no readings for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite!

i just did a test and i had 0.25 nitrite, the rest were 0ppm :)

can i assume my tank is cycled? i started a fish in cycle 4 weeks ago.

I think to check that it is cycled you're supposed to add more ammonia to 4ppm and if it's down to 0 in 24hours or less it's cycled. But I'm no expert, obviously! :D
for the last 3 days i have had next to no readings for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite!

i just did a test and i had 0.25 nitrite, the rest were 0ppm :)

can i assume my tank is cycled? i started a fish in cycle 4 weeks ago.


the complete cycled tank should have Ammonia - Zero, Nitrite - Zero, and Nitrate should be below 20ppm (ideal condition), but yes Nitrite in you tank shows 0.25 (????) ( it should read in 'ppm' or 'mg/l' and should be in whole number rather than in decimals. But yes your Ammonia and Nitrite both will go to Zero level and remain there when your filter will be cycled completely. send and email to your water supplier and check what average nitrate level is there in your tap water, they will give you exact result than your test kit. unless you use RO unit or nitrate filter (denitrator) you will not be able to achieve any less than your tap water supply as far as nitrate is concern. If you are new to hobby i would suggest do not use RO or Denitrator. as it will need you to add some chemicals according to fish requirements. best thing is to stick to your tap water and use Seachem Prime to condition your water for aquarium usage.

ask you water supplier for these parameters. (this is for example as its been sent to me by my water supplier)
pH: pH 7.4 average (range 7.2-7.6)
Total ammonia: <0.04 mg/l average (range <0.04-0.05)
Nitrite: <0.008 mg/l average (range <0.008-<0.008)
Nitrate: 27.9 mg/l average (range 22.1-37 mg/l)
Calcium carbonate: 283 mg/l
Hardness: 20 Degrees English (or Clarke) / 16 Degrees German / 28 Degrees French / 2.8 mmol/l
Disinfectant: Chlorine
Total chlorine: 0.52 mg/l (0.08-0.94)

i hope this will help,

for your filter cycle i suppose you should wait for some more time until your nitrite level go to zero and your nitrate level shows around 20ppm or 20 mg/l. Always use liquid test kit for better results.

for the last 3 days i have had next to no readings for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite!

i just did a test and i had 0.25 nitrite, the rest were 0ppm :)

can i assume my tank is cycled? i started a fish in cycle 4 weeks ago.


the complete cycled tank should have Ammonia - Zero, Nitrite - Zero, and Nitrate should be below 20ppm (ideal condition), but yes Nitrite in you tank shows 0.25 (????) ( it should read in 'ppm' or 'mg/l' and should be in whole number rather than in decimals. But yes your Ammonia and Nitrite both will go to Zero level and remain there when your filter will be cycled completely. send and email to your water supplier and check what average nitrate level is there in your tap water, they will give you exact result than your test kit. unless you use RO unit or nitrate filter (denitrator) you will not be able to achieve any less than your tap water supply as far as nitrate is concern. If you are new to hobby i would suggest do not use RO or Denitrator. as it will need you to add some chemicals according to fish requirements. best thing is to stick to your tap water and use Seachem Prime to condition your water for aquarium usage.

ask you water supplier for these parameters. (this is for example as its been sent to me by my water supplier)
pH: pH 7.4 average (range 7.2-7.6)
Total ammonia: <0.04 mg/l average (range <0.04-0.05)
Nitrite: <0.008 mg/l average (range <0.008-<0.008)
Nitrate: 27.9 mg/l average (range 22.1-37 mg/l)
Calcium carbonate: 283 mg/l
Hardness: 20 Degrees English (or Clarke) / 16 Degrees German / 28 Degrees French / 2.8 mmol/l
Disinfectant: Chlorine
Total chlorine: 0.52 mg/l (0.08-0.94)

i hope this will help,

for your filter cycle i suppose you should wait for some more time until your nitrite level go to zero and your nitrate level shows around 20ppm or 20 mg/l. Always use liquid test kit for better results.


thank you for th info

i use the api master test kit ( liquid ) and it shows zero on all tests for my tap water, except the ph obviously, its 7.4.

i will contact the water company and ask for the details listed above, but if my test kit reads negative for nitrite, it shouldn't affect my tank water readings right?


I think to check that it is cycled you're supposed to add more ammonia to 4ppm and if it's down to 0 in 24hours or less it's cycled. But I'm no expert, obviously! :D

i dont think i could add pure ammonia to a fish in cycle? might harm my fish??

How many fishes you have in the tank? A fish less cycle is the best thing to do. as Trollfest suggested, if you do fishless cycle you need to add ammonia, but if you have fishes do not add ammonia, it is very unusual that you test kit shows Nitrate in your tap war as zero. because Nitrate is almost always present in natural water and for human it is almost harmless. but wait until you get results from you supplier.

Note: Do not ad any more fishes until your filter is cycled.

to let the filter cycle run air pump constantly, and if you have fishes add a bit of food for them. and wait untill you get Ammonia and Nitrite zero. if you do not have fishes then add a small pinch of flakes twice a day for four days and then test ammonia after two days, and every other day, when ammonia is about to be zero, check for Nitrite, at this stage there will be a spike in nitrite, then gradually your ammonia will go Zero and Nitrite will go lower and it will go to zero in another week time. when Nitrite is zero add 1st fish. or add couple i found Mollies are best start. 3 female and 1 male start with these hardy fishes and wait for another two weeks. water change before adding fishes is essentials. then after that 20% every week.

Good Luck

How many fishes you have in the tank? A fish less cycle is the best thing to do. as Trollfest suggested, if you do fishless cycle you need to add ammonia, but if you have fishes do not add ammonia, it is very unusual that you test kit shows Nitrate in your tap war as zero. because Nitrate is almost always present in natural water and for human it is almost harmless. but wait until you get results from you supplier.

Note: Do not ad any more fishes until your filter is cycled.

to let the filter cycle run air pump constantly, and if you have fishes add a bit of food for them. and wait untill you get Ammonia and Nitrite zero. if you do not have fishes then add a small pinch of flakes twice a day for four days and then test ammonia after two days, and every other day, when ammonia is about to be zero, check for Nitrite, at this stage there will be a spike in nitrite, then gradually your ammonia will go Zero and Nitrite will go lower and it will go to zero in another week time. when Nitrite is zero add 1st fish. or add couple i found Mollies are best start. 3 female and 1 male start with these hardy fishes and wait for another two weeks. water change before adding fishes is essentials. then after that 20% every week.

Good Luck


thanks forthe advice.....

ive had my nitrite spike, was horrendous! leveled back out now so not sure what is going on.

on a better note, i just picked up ANOTHER 4ft tank and this one is a clearseal, with the original unit and in mint condition i might add, minus the hood :(.......guess how much!?

£20.00!!! WHAT A BARGAIN.
you didnt mention about you present tank that does it have any fishes in or not?
if you had readings of nitrite spike that means your bacterias are established, but you will have to wait until you get nitrite zero.

yes it is really good bargain that you have that tank only for £20.

very nice.
you didnt mention about you present tank that does it have any fishes in or not?
if you had readings of nitrite spike that means your bacterias are established, but you will have to wait until you get nitrite zero.

yes it is really good bargain that you have that tank only for £20.

very nice.

the very first post says that im doing a fish in cycle :)

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