i think my panda cory has fin rot

Thanks :) The fin rot is not getting worse, and hopefully it'll get better now that I've added the second dose of Kanacyn. Both corys and my betta remain active and are eating well. The white stuff I thought was fungus has pretty much cleared up now. :thumbs:
cutechic said:
... The white stuff I thought was fungus has pretty much cleared up now. :thumbs:
Hi cutechic :)

Good!!! :thumbs: That means that the medicine is working. :nod:
I've completed the first treatment (3 doses over a period of 5 days) but the fin rot is still there. Should I do a water change and add some more Kanacyn?
Hi cutechic :)

Yes, that's what I'd do. :nod:

Is it getting worse, holding it's own, or getting better? :unsure: You had said earlier that the white stuff is clearing up and that's a good sign. Don't forget that it will take a while for the fins to regrow, so if they are not deteriorating, it will just take a while to get back to normal.

It does say on the package that it's OK to repeat the treatment if necessary, so go ahead with it. But do take advantage of this opportunity to do a good water change and tank clean up.
Hi Inch :)

The fin hasn't started to grow back, I don't think, but the edges are smoother than what they were... they're not as raggedy and torn. I suppose that means it's getting better.

I'm afraid the fin rot will just come back if it's not completely cleared up, which is why I feel safer repeating the treatment. But since the fins aren't getting worse, maybe I should hold off on adding the Kanacyn for a while, and just keep doing water changes?

Thanks for your help :)
Hi cutechic :)

If you think it could be gone, stop the Kanacyn and keep their water very clean.

Kanacyn is an antibiotic and not something that that should be overdone. It's absorbed into their system through their skin, so they probably still have some of the medication in them. And your betta ate some, so it might even have more of it.

Why not just watch them and see what happens. If it seems to be starting up again you have the medicine and can immediately restart a course of treatment.
Alright :nod: that's what I'll do. I've just done a 40% water change and will continue doing them. Do you know approximately how long it will take for the fins to grow back? Weeks... months?
Hi cutechic :)

It's hard to say how fast they will grow. :dunno:

I've had a goldfish with a badly torn tail that seemed to grow it back amazingly fast, but it might depend on the kind of fish it is or its general health.

Feed it a good diet with lots of protein and since it's going to be in nice clean water, you will be doing all you can for it. After that, only time will tell.

Is the betta OK, too?
The betta's fins have stayed the same :dunno: but hopefully the medicine he ate will help :lol:

Should I increase the amount of frozen brine shrimp I feed? I usually give it to my betta once a week, but if I feed a bit more each time, or more than once a week, my corys may be able to snatch some up. Right now all the corys are eating is TetraMin Tropical Tablets.
Hi cutechic :)

Yes, by all means feed them more. :nod:

Corys need a high proportion of meaty foods in their diet to thrive. I give mine lots of live blackworms. If you can get these too, it would be good for the corys and your betta will love them as well. :thumbs:
I don't think I could feed live foods :sick: I can hardly stand feeding frozen foods. I feel so bad for those poor little brine shrimp :( :rolleyes: I will feed more frozen foods though.

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