I think my cycle broke....

But anyways... I really need some advice on this
You all got it wrong you replace the ** with gg;). And now I will get told off for carrying on with it. 🤪
Just tell them to bu**er off :)


For the OP

Oh pretty colours :)

Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate immediately. Then do a 75% water change any day you have an ammonia or nitrite reading above 0ppm, or a nitrate reading above 20ppm.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Reduce feeding to 2-3 times a week until the filter settles down and the ammonia and nitrite remain on 0ppm. Then you can increase feeding.
Just tell them to bu**er off :)


For the OP

Oh pretty colours :)

Do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate immediately. Then do a 75% water change any day you have an ammonia or nitrite reading above 0ppm, or a nitrate reading above 20ppm.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Reduce feeding to 2-3 times a week until the filter settles down and the ammonia and nitrite remain on 0ppm. Then you can increase feeding.
Butter off you guys, Kiwis rule🤣
Rocky doesn't have any fish yet, those pretty colours were after he added a dose of ammonia to keep the bacteria fed while he waits to get fish.

@Rocky998 have you done anything to the tank or added anything besides add ammonia?
Rocky doesn't have any fish yet, those pretty colours were after he added a dose of ammonia to keep the bacteria fed while he waits to get fish.

@Rocky998 have you done anything to the tank or added anything besides add ammonia?
No... But the only other thing new (in the last week) is a damselfly nymph which bit my snail
How long before you add fish? I thought you'd have some for now.

What 24 hours after the last amm dose, and test again.

Some (but not all) reasons a fishless cycle may falter, or fail:

1/ Not using a de-chlorinator
2/ Not reducing the amount of ammonia during the nitrite stage.
3/ Changing your filter media or cleaning the gravel or adding chemicals that you don’t need to add.
4/ Not having the patience to wait for the nitrite levels to drop.
5/ Over-dosing ammonia by starting with too much or adding more than once a day.
How long before you add fish? I thought you'd have some for now.

What 24 hours after the last amm dose, and test again.

Some (but not all) reasons a fishless cycle may falter, or fail:

1/ Not using a de-chlorinator
2/ Not reducing the amount of ammonia during the nitrite stage.
3/ Changing your filter media or cleaning the gravel or adding chemicals that you don’t need to add.
4/ Not having the patience to wait for the nitrite levels to drop.
5/ Over-dosing ammonia by starting with too much or adding more than once a day.
Well, I had my drivers ed class this week and the pick up time fell into my class times... So I wasn't able too. I wanted to see if the tank could still process 3ppm ammonia in 24 hours and it cant... I've been adding 1ppm every 3 days as instructed.
Check again in 24 hours; 1 PPM every 3 days is a bit much, IMO...your BB colony can survive w/out amm for much longer than that
If for any reason you are unable to stock the tank when it is cycled, you can continue adding ammonia to keep the tank cycled. For this you should add the 1/3 snack amount every 2-3 days.
This is why he has been adding 1 ppm every 3 days.

You need to treat this like the last stage of a cycle - adding 3 ppm then testing in 24 hours until you get to both zeros.
Check again in 24 hours; 1 PPM every 3 days is a bit much, IMO...your BB colony can survive w/out amm for much longer than that
This is today's results... I added 3ppm of ammonia on Tuesday around 12:45PM and tested on Wednesday around 7:30PM. Those results were the ones I wrote about... Now I'm going to wait for my nitrites to drop to 0 and then add 3ppm again... Basically I'm going to redo the last bit of the cycle
Whats the best way to get rid of a damselfly? I'm not putting a fish in until that thing gets evicted
This is why he has been adding 1 ppm every 3 days.

You need to treat this like the last stage of a cycle - adding 3 ppm then testing in 24 hours until you get to both zeros.
"adding 3 ppm then testing in 24 hours until you get to both zeros."

I thought the OP had already reached this milestone (?)...maybe I'm mistaken

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