right sounds like a full life in all that ?peepl steal corys? ....hey want to hear some thing stupied i did today i went into albany to get a few fish things like food for them and i saw a realy lovley looking angel fish i thort it would look nice in my other tank i have not had an angel fish befor so i was stupied geting it with out doing reserch on it i put it in the tank i have my gouramis in and this is the first time i have ever seen the gouramis do some thing as if they were one fish they all got near each other in a line side by side and moved slow yet all at the same target poor angel fish had 6 gouramis moveing in on it after it was starting to get attacked i took it out i only have one other tank and the main fish there is a black shark strange thing is he did not attack it he came up some time to see who the new fish is and to make it clear that he is the boss.....i will be returning the angel fish stilll i was very suprised at the gouramis it was as if they were of one mind and most of the time they dont like being right next to each other very long yet all six got in very near each other and moved together when geting near the angel fish? is that a normal thing ?