I Think My Aeneus Are Cheating

I vote yes, mad mom. The dues are one cory.

Yes Miss Wiggle what do you call him? Is your id, Miss Wiggle, the reason he calls you a strumpet? :p

How did you injure the knee, Studz?

2 years ago I could do hard physical labor for 4 hours. Last year it dropped to 3. Now it is down down down. I staighten my fish closet yesterday for less than 2 hours, and today I ache all over. Love Ibuprofen :wub:
I live on Ibuprofen

Well how I did my knee, well that a sotr and a half.

Right, Well I jumped out of an airoplane and was sky-surfing on the back of a crocodile, I landed in the middle of a town, where some Orphanes where being attacked by tigers. So i saved the Orphanes, but I slipped over and cracked my knee... :unsure:

ok, no I didnt, I was in a night club and a friends tried to give me a dead leg, but he missed and caught my knee, kncocking the cap off. I think the paramedics broke the knee cap when clicking it back into place in the middle of the club.

I did that 3 years ago, I can run really any more, but I can swim and cycle still, I did start cycling 19miles a day when I worked in Chester (A city not far from me, well 8 miles to be exact)
I thought it might be football. Too bad about the first story, but the second is the way life really goes: thoughtless friends and incompetent professionals.
lol, yeah.

well cant grumble about it any more. Its strange I've not spoken to anyone about my knee for a long while and your the second person to ask today :D
I live on Ibuprofen

It's one of the four food groups, along with caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. :lol:

I'm just shy of 28 years in the printing trade. This means my back is screwed up, the knees are bad, shoulders & elbows don't work properly at times. Feet are flat as a pancake. Climbing on, around, & under machines, while slinging paper that is the size of a bedsheet will take it's toll, given time.
:lol: Must be why you tote guns in the non gun toting country. Gotta move to the States--Texas for instance. You could grow a handle bar mustache. haha

Aren't we just a set! Is that why we are spending our time poking keys on a computer board instead of getting fresh air and exercise.

Actually why I do fish instead of gardening and diy. :rolleyes:

Welcome, Tolak!

BTW, If anyone has some strumpet Cory stories, let's have them. Need to have a little regard for Inchworm's moderating. :p
hmmmm i think me and one of my gouramis could join this club i have a knee that dislocates if I move the wrong way the docter said theres not much cartiledge there so if i move it wrong it pops out and in again and thats dame hurts oh and im 25 by the way i have broken my leg 2 time both times at school when i was about 12 or 13 i am very unluck first time i was running from a guy who wanted to beat me up i was not looking where i was going and ran in to a fence the second time same leg a guy i was in a fight with jumped on my leg owwww oh im not the fighting typ but i was bullyed a bit i think probly cuz i have epilepsy as well......a guy stole some stuff off me and when i cort him he punched me in the back now i have 3 crushed Vertebrae in my back now makes it a bit hard to get a nice nights sleep (oh i was in 2 car crashers but i did not evan get a cut from them and in one of them the car was so smashed up it hit 2 trees and a rock and was in a big ditch that cant be seen from the road i got out and climbed to the top of the road and to walk most of the way to tell my parents cuz no one stoped cuz u could not see the car lucky i was 100%) .........the docter calls me a walking medical book lolol cuz of all that i cant do most jobs and in a small town im probly never going to find a job i can do at the moment cuz of all that im on a Disability Support Pension (oh and i thort i would add some time back i had a gourami with a curved spine he seemed okay i think he would have liked this topic as well) my mum at 56 is probly in better shape then me ..sighs im not shore i want to get old and have more problems im not shore i trust docters much any more ether cuz i went to have an xray done of my back and tests of my epilepsy he was reading my info over and said oh i see you have had ricketts as well (if any one dose not no its a Diseases a very bad on i have been told) ................i dont have that my last name is ricketts and thats in the form is in the part where it says name and he was not jokeing he only went throo the form quick i am worryed about docters ....... B) i guess this is off topic of the corys acting like cheats but it looked like its kind of what the topic is drifting too (all my cory sleep together so guess u could say they get arownd lol
Hey Fizban! I don't think this group will be at all elitist. If you need us, we need you. :D

So you haven't seen your Cories do the sexy cory dance yet? If you have a male and a female--especially if they are in a group--there is a high probablity that you will in time.

Not to turn a chuckles time killing thread too serious, but Fizban, there is a purpose to everything under the sun. No suffering is without hope. God has a purposeful goal for allowing any trials.

You are welcome. :good:
considering how much time we all spend on TFF, i should have guessed there were more folks in the design/printing industry.

this has been very entertaining, but i don't think i'm eligible for this club yet. unless a twice broken pinky toe that occasionally feels off counts :lol:
i think i have both male and females cuz from what i gather the females get bigger and fatter right ? if so i no have at least 2 big fat bronze cory ladys i think the reson why nuthings has happened is cuz i have not given them there own tank yet ..i plan to in the future but for now they live with some gouramis and some eel tail cat fish.....hmmmmm so gods the man with the plan eh well i guess i have been ruther luck in a few ways as it is i realy still can do every thing i should be able to do apart from lifting fairly Heavy stuff and my back gets sore alot from not doing much but all in all my point is its not like im missing an arm or cant move or any thing if i was going to complain about any thing it would be my epilepsy i have found its a friend ship killer so i dont have many friends apart from my fishy friends :p
Oops! Tolak, I thought you were UK. I don't know how I get so lapsent (made up word=lapse + absent). Not Texas, but Chicago will do. Just change the fast draw for the tommy gun. :shifty:

Wave the flag!

starrynightxxi: I don't think there are any rules. As you saw, it just developed. If you like the company, you are welcome to sit by the fire when you want. Chat away. ;)

What kind of cories do you have, Fizban?

Those little tramps! I really need to see if some of my cories other than the aeneus have increased. The virginae appear to be a larger group. There is also a smallish pulcher. I see some boys and girls join the fun when the excitement gets feverish. Kind of a aeneus Cory x rated porno orgy site.

Coryorgy!! :lol: :rofl:
I know just what you mean about Gardening and diy jollysue, every time i think i must catch up in the Garden ,i think oh i will just check out the Fish Forum, i do get out in the end but it might be a week later.
I have 3 Peppered Corys in one tank ,1 male and 2 femail's which are very fat,they are still growing though so not quite ready yet. Don't want any under age Partying going on :band: :fish: :fish: :fish:
6 bronze cory 2 Corydoras schwartzi i had 2 Corydoras sterbai as well but one died not long ago so only one of them now oh and 2 of the albino strain of Corydoras sterbai :hyper: B) :good: 8)

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