I Need Counselling!

wait a minute.............

a tadpole ate a goldfish, or was it a renegade group of tadpoles?

they nibbled on a dead or dying godlfish i guess

sorry for the loss and grief

No, there was a goldfish in a pond with tadpoles in it, and the tadpoles damaged the goldfish, and the thread-creator nursed the goldfish back to health. :good:
sorry i miss read post and got excited!!!

the gold fish got mutilated down to its spine by a gang of tadpoles, sounds horrific

killer tadpoles!!!

EDIT: attempted murder, not killers, still shocks me
They are cannibalistic.

Actually, when tadpoles reach the leg stage they become carnivorous.

Which means they would eat goldfish. :good:

Btw, carnivorous means meat eater, incase you didnt know. ;)

you just said by the leg stage. when they get the back legs they start to breath air and therefor are a frog. so you just said a frog is cannibalistic not a tadpole.

and i researched for about 2 hours and finaly found a site that says if there is not enough food that they will turn canabalistic. but says nothing about eating fish or any other type of meat.
Oh god, i think you're the one that needs counselling.

Get a life and admit you were wrong. =]
To sum up:

Most tadpoles are herbivores (there are certain species which have carnivore tadpoles).

For this herbivore function they need teeth, to rasp away at vegetation (more so than adult frogs need to gulp down insects).

These teeth they sometimes employ to cannibalise on each other. It is therefore clear that they would be able to penetrate the skin of a fish if they could catch it.

From my previous thread on Freaky, it seems that this can indeed happen in confined space where the fish can't get away. Others have had the same experience, but it is rare, because fish are usually save themselves by swimming.

It is clear from her appearance and subsequent behaviour in my hospital tank that Freaky had no other health problems.

However, due to the confined space and extreme concentration of tadpoles, she was in a similar position to a sick fish in that she was unable to save herself by the normal action of swimming away.

Can we get back to the empty-tank-syndrome now? Any suggestions gratefully received (particularly those that suggest I need to do something with this tank).
To the people in disbelief that tadpoles can do this to fish;

I have read about this happening before. Tadpoles generally never cause any harm to goldfish, on the contrary, its usually the goldfish which gobble up the tappoles.

The circumstances where this would happen usually involve a shallow pond which is over-grown with plants, if the pond is over-grown enough with plants then the goldfish will be forced to swim about in the heavily planted area's all the time, where they cannot swim fast or get away quickly at all, and if the pond has a large quantity of tadpoles in it, then the tappoles can take advantage of the goldfishes situation and nibble away at the goldfish in the planted areas where it cannot get away easily.

I actually read a story about this happening in a PFK magazine. To prevent your goldfish getting eaten alive by tadpoles, simply ensure that the pond is ideally deep enough for goldfish (i.e. 3ft deep or more), tadpoles generally don't like spending their time at the bottom of ponds, and ensure that the plants in the pond are not taking over the entire thing, ensure there is plenty of space for the goldfish to swim about in.

Goldfish, like many other fish, can survive from some pretty horrific wounds- it doesn't shock me that dwarfgourami's goldfish survived from its wounds, i've heard of goldfish (and other types of fish) surviving from similar wounds- for example i've seen prianha's and plecos survive and completely heal from wounds which have gone so deep that you can practically see the spine on the fish. Of course not every goldfish/piranha/pleco can survive such horrific injuries, but its not unheard of.
I really do sympathise I felt like that last week when my plec went I really did sob and sob.

I did a counsellig course and they say think back about what it also reminds you off.

I have to admit i left home young

I moved on from being a mothers help

Patients came and went and the biggest loss was when my son went to an autistic boarding school however he has been back home now.

Whats that to do with the plec going its the repeat of the loss syndrome.

Its part of fight and flight response.

It is what we do when someone dies we grieve. A loss is a grievance too.

It is normal behaviour and gives you time to reflect.

There has been lots of theories written on it.

meanwhile you will probably feel sad then comfortable angry etc but most of all think of what you did.

You saved a life , most precious and you are giving someone else that special fish whom you cherished.

You have great empathy and I admire you.

Now its time to be gentle on yourself and be proud.

You did what someone else may not have. Be Proud.
Thank you for those kind words, tetraqueen. At least I know that Freaky has gone to a very good home- and that leaves me with an empty tank to do something with...
Ah....it reminded of me favorite pet fish, Butch the bullhead, I have her for 7 years till she croaked. I will never have another fish like Butch. I enojoying feeding goldfish like Freaky to her and she ripped them then gobbling the goldfish. I'm missed her very much! I filled her tank with some interesting livebearers and "leftover" goldfish, of course all goldfish died due my gambusia ripped their tails off.
Ah....it reminded of me favorite pet fish, Butch the bullhead, I have her for 7 years till she croaked. I will never have another fish like Butch. I enojoying feeding goldfish like Freaky to her and she ripped them then gobbling the goldfish. I'm missed her very much! I filled her tank with some interesting livebearers and "leftover" goldfish, of course all goldfish died due my gambusia ripped their tails off.
hmm that's nice of you..... :blink:
Ah....it reminded of me favorite pet fish, Butch the bullhead, I have her for 7 years till she croaked. I will never have another fish like Butch. I enojoying feeding goldfish like Freaky to her and she ripped them then gobbling the goldfish. I'm missed her very much! I filled her tank with some interesting livebearers and "leftover" goldfish, of course all goldfish died due my gambusia ripped their tails off.

wow, thats just bieng an ass
Thanks everybody for supportive messages! I have now comforted myself by setting up the empty tank as a breeding tank for my paleatus. I want to know if they are really infertile or if I've just been unlucky. Nothing like a project to fill an empty hole! :hyper:

Oh and Butch, your post had me in stitches! You really know how to comfort somebody. Ever thought of taking up counselling as a profession? -_- :rofl:

Btw though I was aware that gambusias thrive on live food, I was fascinated to learn that this means goldfish tails. More conservative fishkeepers might have reached for the bloodworms.

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