I Need A Schooling Fish!

I have a 20 gal with small schooling fishing - Resbora Hets, Chela's, Choprae Danios, and some panda corys for the bottom. If you want schooling fish in a tank that size I would recommend very small fish. Galaxy resboras would be great too. Neons, cardinals, Checkerboard barbs, danios.

One problem with schooling fish is that they might not school without a 'threat' in the tank.
As stated above, "schooling" is a defensive strategy, rarely seen in small tanks. Many small fish are naturally "schooling", and are stressed in small numbers, but don't adopt the strategy unless they feel threatened, which they typically do in large open spaces.
what about harlequins and scissortail rasboras? im looking at getting them instead of tetras im also reconsidering my kribensis choice and going for bolivian rams or blue rams
The scissortails get to about 4.5-5inchs and need to be kept in a group of at least 6 so I would say they are a no for a tank of this size.

Harlequins are nice fish though and would be a good choice. If you are after a tetra that shoals a lot I have found that Cardinal tetras tend to stay shoaled together a lot more then a lot of other tetras even when they are the only fish in the tank and they have lots of cover. Glowlights also seem to shoal a lot more then other tetras as well.
I'll second Harlequin Rasboras. I bougth 10 at the weekend (ended up with 11) and they are great. Still fairly young and shoaling loads - hours of entertainment!!!

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