I made a appointment

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
And the bill is going to be over $600.00 dollars. I about hit the floor when she told me that. The last new ferret that I have isnt fixed and that is going to run over 200.oo dollars by its self. Having animal cost a lot of money doesnt it. But they need thier booster shots and checked for cancer and things like that. Does anyone know of a cheaper place I could take them that offers good care....I already have to drive over a hundred miles to get a good vet to start with.. I dont care to drive some more miles if the vet is worth the trip..
:/ im afraid that that is what you have to put up with when you get a pet
some places in the UK have free vetinary treatments though.But we go private with all our pets.

when i got my old dog Max we payed £60 a week for 5 years just for medicines.He died when he was 6.He cost a lot but he was worth it.He had 5 operation in 3 years each costing around £800.

I hope you can ind something a little cheaper :D
Sorry to hear that Angel Lady - it's very very expensive isn't it ? :/

Yes you are righ GSL - even though there are places (like the PDSA) that are free or paid by donation only - you still have to prove (and it's very difficult and require a lot of paperwork) that you are on income support and all that. So I (who have a full time job) can't have it for free - which makes sense ....

Hope all goes well AL :)
i know what you mean - sydley, my little senior ferret has adrenal disease and is in desperate need of treatment but i couldn't get it for her. I'll be paid in a couple weeks and i'll take her then. she's had it for awile but i didn't have a job and the treatment is going to be ongoing and expensive :(
i was debating whether to put her down or not but all the research says they respond really well to treatment and she's still really active so i couldn't.
Soon, very soon she'll be treated - i just wish i could have done it sooner.
All my fuzzy's need boosters too but that's not a possiblity for a while.
I love them all and I have to make sure they have the proper care. But that is a little high just for boosters and vet checked. for three of them. The other one I have to get neutered. Which is a 190.00 dollars. Hell that cost more than the ferret..I was just hoping to find something cheaper..I cant afford all these bills at once.I could if it was a payment plan. Or something like that. But here they are afraid of losing a dollar..
I did a basic quote based on your zipcode and it came up to $12 a month for 1 ferret.

VPI Avian & Exotic Plan for Exotic Pets
From birds to hedgehogs to iguanas to potbelly pigs, we know families love exotic pets. Our VPI Avian & Exotic Pet Plan is designed just for them.
Exotic pets are also vulnerable to illness and health risks. The VPI Avian & Exotic Pet Plan covers major medical treatments and surgeries for accidents and illnesses, minor treatments as well as lab fees, prescriptions, x-rays and hospitalization. With a VPI policy, you'll be able to afford the best care for your pet. Get a free quote or enroll your pet today.

The VPI Avian & Exotic Pet Plan policy:
Pays up to 90% of the Benefit Schedule, or up to 90% of the veterinary bill, whichever is lower (after deductible).
Allows a maximum payment of $2,000 per incident or illness and maximum payment of $7,000 for each policy term.


YOu might wanna check it out :thumbs:
Thank you for that link. I was wondering if you could get insurance. Do you have this insurance??Will it pay for shots and so on..
I have it on my dogs and it does pay for yearly vacc's. You might wanna call and ask about exotics though..just to be sure.

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