Well, I gave up on the crushed pellet... it sinks to fast and it's just too messy. I figured flakes would work, because they float longer. Seemed reasonable. But not with my girls! Princess shoved all the others out of the way. I thought she was going to hog it all at first. Nope. She chewed every single flake and spit it back out. I thought, "Okay, she doesn't like the flakes." Wrong again. Once she had chewed up all the flakes and spit them out, thus making them start sinking, she joined in with the others in hunting them!
When I picked up the flakes, I also picked up some frozen brine shrimp. This is a delicacy for bettas, right? Not my boys. I don't know about my girls, because Princess hogged them all.
Only 2 out of my 4 boys liked them. Which is fine with me, because I had an allergic reaction to them. They smell AWFUL, and they made my eyes water and burn. The burning is gone now, but they still hurt.
So, no brine shrimp for my babies. They'll have to be content with just blood worms. I think that's fine with them, they all like those. 
When I picked up the flakes, I also picked up some frozen brine shrimp. This is a delicacy for bettas, right? Not my boys. I don't know about my girls, because Princess hogged them all.