I have an idea to get WalMart to hear us

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I'm not sure this is pertinent because it's GOOD lol but I think it might be because of what MAKES it good ;) My Walmart - one of two located in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada - has not sold fish for several years now because they frankly admit they do not have staff trained/qualified to care for them properly. They refuse to stock fish simply because they know the fish would suffer if they did, and I admire them for that.

I think that they've realised the problem that exists in all the others- if they had a staff member trained to care for fish and dedicated solely to the pet department, they would be able to stock small numbers of healthy fish, but as it is nobody cares or nobody knows enough about the fish they're supposed to be caring FOR. I'm so glad somebody is doing something about it!

Okay, in a case like this, they've already been warned.
When several peole tell them to shape up, ESPECIALLY when it was directly to a manager, and we're told they'll do something about it, there is absolutely no excuse for this type of thing.

I need to think about what to do about this for a bit, and I'll get back to you.
In the meantime I'm going to look up some info.
I wanna go about this the right way in order to get them in the most trouble.

I'll be back shortly.
I just called the Harrison County Humane Society. They basically told me that they are a holding facility and don't deal with this kind of situation. They said to call the police and animal control and I'm looking up those numbers now. I'm also gonna wait a bit for you BM, and maybe we can put up a united front or such.
Sheriff's Department phone number is 228-897-1364 to reach animal control.

I just got off the phone with the County Animal Control officer - he's on his way out there. Not sure if it would do any good to call him again, because he's going out there already.

I'm not going to call the store to chew any ass until maybe tomorrow, because if we call they might have someone go clean up the mess, and I want the A.C. officer to see this mess.

I contacted the SPCA and they told me to also contact the police for better/faster results, so I filed a claim with them and then called the police.

Teach those bastards to ignore us. :grr:
Good job BM. I've got some errands to run, and I'm gonna go check it out again. I'll let you know what I find out!
I just got back from checking the store again. It seems that some of the dead have been removed, but there are still plenty of dead/decomposing bodies in the tanks. The tanks seem to be a lot less crowded, so either they sold a lot since yesterday, or they've had a lot more die. The goldfish section is full of sick fish. Lots of finrot and some with popeye. It looks like some of the bettas have had their cups cleaned out, but there are still many living in filthy, scummy cups.

I ran into the kid that works in the fish section. He told me he was the only one that did anything involving the tanks. I mentioned to him that he had a lot of sick fish and he told me that all he can do is scoop out the dead as no one has ever told him what the fish are sick with and what to do about it. So I pointed out some fin rot and the fish with popeye and he actually stopped and took notes!! He then pulled out some bottles of medicine (dark blue liquid)....... I didn't see the names on them, as I can't read without my glasses. He told me that the medicine was for fin rot and pop eye. Then he proceeded to treat them while I was there!! I was very happy with this kid, but it still doesn't make up for all the dead/dying fish.

I did not go and pitch a fit again with the manager. I wasn't sure if the animal control officer had been there or not yet and I didn't want them dashing to make a last minute clean up before he got there. I guess that's it for now, I will probably go back and check again sometime next week.
i do not have the info now but i will get it later

my WM treats fish so poorly

they have plecos in with goldfish (the poor goldfish are getting the slime coat sucked off)

they keep bettas in tap water (and if there water is like mine... since they are just downt he street... thats bad)

fish are never fed

i once saw a clown loach that had red spots all over him... his body was bent... is colors were faded... and he was swimming upside down looking for food :-( it was so sad my BF took me out of the store to keep me from crying!

there are dead plecos in every tank!

bettas arent fed they arent cleaned and the cups are stacked so no one can breathe! (i have to admit the cups did get bigger though)

all of the fish have ick!

the oscars are killing each other

a betta is house with barbs :angry:

algae is all over the glass

children are aloud to stick there hands in the tank and grab the fish!!

need i go on...?
Chillicothe, Ohio

I went to check on the bettas like I do every day, and I look in the other tanks b/c I was looking for some other fish, well they had a crowntail boy in the tetra tank. I was irate! So i went and found the women in charge, and told her the problem. She said that his cup was busted and she didn't have anywhere else to put him. I said that the tetras would nip him and she said, well they haven't yet. After I told her several times that they might(and that is enough reason to move him) she agreed to take him out. Ok now the worst part. She flings her net around like an idiot and is stressing him out terribly. She finally catchs him and throws him in the platy tank!!! I nearly fell over from shock...... then she just walked away. I watched him for a while and they were nipping here and there, but I didn't know what else to do
daudy_dojo said:
children are aloud to stick there hands in the tank and grab the fish!!
Oh, wow. Gah, maybe I'm too naive but that just stuns me. I still remember when we stocked our first tank; I was six years old, and my sister/stepsisters were five, four and three, and when we went into the fish store my father AND the sales clerk made it VERY clear to us that the second any of our hands went near any of the water we were OUT of there. I can't BELIEVE some parents would let their children do that- the fish can't get AWAY! Gah.
KM - I called the Sheriff's Department for an update.
The a.c. guy is gone for the night now, but the dispatcher tried to pull it up and see if anything was filed. They couldn't find anything, but he told me that generally that means that the officer went out there just to scope out the situation, and sometimes they need to gather more info before they go in there with ticket books blazin'... so I'll call back again early next week for another update.

This guy seemed to think the officer had gone out there for some reason but he couldn't tell me much more than that.
Just thought I'd post this... My Walmart has really cleaned up their act when it comes to the main tanks, but here are some pics of the poor bettas I saw there today. They are never fed and their water never cleaned. It doesn't appear that they got a new shipment this week, so this group has been in these miserable conditions for at least a week:


Synirr- That is exactly how I found mine today! Why do they only fill the water up not even half way?

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