I have an idea to get WalMart to hear us

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Sweet info!

I'm putting ALL of this into my report.

I really really need to get a camera phone.
I was, at one time, considering walking right into the WalMart here with my big ass zoom lens and taking oodles of pictures and seeing what would happen. But then my boyfriend (always the sensible one to put the damper on my fun - who also happens to be a police officer, and would probably be harassed to no end at work if I were arrested at WalMart for taking pictures of the fish) told me that it would NOT be such a great idea and he would NOT bail me outta jail. lol
The one Walmart that I really have a problem with is:
Wal-Mart Store #1137
1137 East Fwy
Houston, Tx.
(713) 453-5018
Complaint: Dead/sick fish in every tank (tropicals, betta cups, and goldfish), really dirty water in betta cups that you can hardly see the bettas, unknowledgeable workers (if any at the area) that are usually rude when you ask them for help or they are too busy gossiping.

I do in fact have a camera phone so if I can get my mother to go with me (I hate going to the store alone...especially if I'm going to be doing something that's not allowed) since my boyfriend would get really mad if he knew I was doing this, then I'll get a few pictures of the situation. So I'll update this as soon as I can get to the store and come back. ;)

Edited to add:
Apparently, camera phones are not that good when you need them :rolleyes: but I did manage to get 2 semi-good pictures. This is how one the cups were:

And this is supposed to be a tropical fish being eated by some other fish. It was already dead.

There were too many workers around to take anymore pictures. I might stop by my other walmart to see if they do have good conditions also.
wal mart store #1616, Susanville California....

always always always dead fish in the tanks. there was for a short time a very good worker there and she seemed to really care for what she was doing, clean tanks, no floaters etc. but, shes gone. they do mark the tanks with grease pencil if the fish are sick, unfortunately it's very common to have 2/3rds of the wall of tanks with big "sick" messages on the glass. no sign of medications being given in the affected tanks. the betta cups are always stacked. bought a raphael cat there and during the "catch" process the clerk hurt him with her impatient poking and chasing. they make me furious. thank you for what you're doing!
just re-read this thread out of curiosity,,,

it's amazing, you have replies from georgia, iowa, so. carolina, illinois, washington, texas, indiana, mississippi, alabama, california, even canada!

if THAT doesnt indicate a problem i sure dont know what does! good job! :cool:
You aren't kidding - it's apalling.
It makes me DISGUSTED to know that it's a nationwide epidemic. I could understand MAYBE one city, or district, but an entire NATION?

To try to entice more posting here, please have a look at this thread:
It talks about a discovery i made today with the Humane Society in Texas - they told me they have a national rep that is dedicated SOLELY to bettas. Yes, only bettas. The report that I'm going to submit to him to review will contain all info that is posted here, so if you feel like taking the time to post here might not be really worth the time, it will be - EVERY post will count.

Thanks :)
It shouldn't really be all that surprising actually. Fish are not easy to take care of, they need time and dedication...you aren't going to get that from a bunch of Part-time people being paid close to minimum wage.

They just don't care....and there are too many of them and the turn over to great for Walmart to keep a harness on it.

The only viable option would be that they don't sell live fish...because I doubt they seriously sell enough fish to justify their means by hiring 2-3 full time "fish department" employees.

I remember Walmarts (this was when I was a kid..so probably close to 10 years ago) used to sell hamsters, mice, gerbils, ect and all of a sudden theya ll stopped. Around that same time K-marts used to sell fish and they stopped having those as well.
SRC said:
The only viable option would be that they don't sell live fish...because I doubt they seriously sell enough fish to justify their means by hiring 2-3 full time "fish department" employees.
That's my ultimate goal.
And I won't stop bothering them until they do. :D
So if that means I have to do so until the day I die, I will! Gladly!
Not sure if my info is pertinent as I am in Canada but here goes:

Store #3007
Province: QC
Postal Code: J4W 1N1
Phone: 450-672-5000
Fax: 450-672-5181

Well I never even realized that they had fish at Walmart until I started reading all your posts a few weeks ago! So the 1st time I went back I made a bee-line for the pet dept and sure enough along the back wall are about 18 tanks. This is what I saw the 1st time I went in:

All tanks had at LEAST 1 dead fish in the bottom
All tanks had those sucker fish in them mixed in with goldfish and were chasing the poor goldfish around!
The bettas were above the sink, in small drinking cups which had about 2.5" of absolutely filthy water in them - most were totally lethargic.

The one betta that really broke my heart had such terrible fin rot that the only fins he had left were his little fins on the side (I think they are called pectoral fins :huh: ??). ALL his other fins were gone!!! I wish I could have helped him but I have no idea how to take care of a sick fish :( I am still learning how to take care of our healthy one.

The next week I went back and all the bettas were gone :-( I am guessing that they were not sold. The other tanks had fewer dead fish in them but there were still some.

And of course there were no employees to be found in that dept and when I asked another employee all I got were shoulder shrugs :dunno:

Here's hoping that Walmart follows the example of Target & Walgreens to stop selling these animals that they so obviously cannot care for!!!!!!

Walmart Supercenter
3615 Sangani Blvd
D'Iberville, MS 39532

I visited this store today so I could make a mini report for Bettamomma. This store is about 20 miles from my house and I'm really glad it is. The conditions in the fish section were DEPLORABLE. There were dead fish in EVERY tank ... and not just 1 or 2. The filters on a few tanks had 8 - 10 or MORE dead fish being sucked up to them. The tanks were filthy and a lot of the live fish looked sick or dying. I peeked at the bettas as well (of course!) and though I didn't find any dead ones, their cups were disgusting. Many had filth and gunk built up on the bottom of the cups. The water was dirty and the smell coming from the cups was just terrible! I could smell them from several feet away.

I immediately went and found a manager. I told her that I was there as I was going to buy some new fish tanks and a lot of other stuff, but that now I wasn't going to. I told her of the conditions I saw in the fish tanks and she looked shocked and called the manager of that department to get it looked at and cleaned up.

I told the manager that I know that my little purchases were nothing but a drop in the bucket for the store, but that I wasn't spending another dime of my money in that store again.

I was so glad to get back to my local Walmart, the conditions there aren't perfect, but compared to this other Walmart, it's a fishy paradise.
I called them and chewed some ass.
As always, they said they'd go "take a walk over there and have a look".

How ridiculous. Jeez..
*bump bump*

Just a reminder - my report is coming along nicely but the more information I include, the better. Send me your stories, even if you have no photos.

Well, seeing how my job sucks and I dont work again until next saturday perhaps I will scope out walmarts in the area, and in IL, and bring my trusty camera phone, and snap pictures for ya :) Just call me bettabelieve it.. P.I. :rolleyes: :rofl:

:dunno: I thought it was funny :D
I was going to stay out of this thread, as I rarely go to Walmart for anything. However, there is a Walmart near me

Store# 3098
Province: BC
Postal Code: V3R 1N3
Main Intersection:152 STREET & 104 AVENUE
Phone: 604-581-1932
Fax: 604-581-4411

This Walmart was BAD when I was in there. The feeder goldfish tank was so infested with ich you couldn't see where one spot ended and another started. There were at least 15 dead goldfish in the tank. Some that were alive were being pecked to no end, at least three or four had no eyes or one eye missing. The other tanks had at least one dead fish in each. There were selling fish that are not meant for beginners, or that get enormous like ID sharks. There are very rarely bettas when I go to WM. The ones they had were in tiny cups with barely any water, but the water seemed clean and there were no dead bettas that I could see. Again, there is never anyone working in that department.

There is a new Walmart that I have visited once. I don't know if the fish department looked good when I was there because it just opened or if it was cause there was someone there who actually looked like she had just finished changing the water in the tanks. She had no clue about fish, but at least she was there. They had only one betta at the time. He was in a 10g with cories. The girl told me he was in the tank cause he was the last betta they had and he looked lonely in the cup. I took him home, mainly because their tanks looked good. There were no floaters in those tanks. I haven't been there since to see if the conditions have stayed the same or gotten worse.

That store is Store #5838
12451-88th Avenue
City: Surrey
Province: BC
Postal Code: V3W 1P8
Phone: 604-597-7117
Fax: 604-597-6128

There are at least 2 or 3 other WM in my area, but as I said, I don't normally shop there, so I am not sure about their conditions. I will look when I have the time and let you know.
Just an update on my Walmart... they have started to take better care of the fish in their main tanks and I don't see nearly as many dead and sick ones (probably just flushed :rolleyes:). However, I was just in there yesterday and they had bettas stacked three and four rows high... probably around 30 bettas total. That's way more than they need to stock at any one time. In addition, some of those bettas have been there two or three weeks with no food or water change.
Bettamomma, my blood is BOILING. I went to recheck on the Walmart store I posted about last and the condition is even worse ...... MUCH worse.

Walmart Supercenter
3615 Sangani Blvd
D'Iberville, MS 39532

I've seen overcrowded tanks before, but my lord, these tanks were full beyond belief. There were dead fish in every tank along with PILES of decomposing flesh and body parts. This is by far the absolute worst thing I've ever seen. There was a dead betta floating around in the male guppy tank. The fish have been dead for days, if not a week or more. The betta cups were disgusting with filthy water and layers of brown scum in them. The whole fish are just reeks. There was one tank with plecos, corys, sharks, angels and DWARF PUFFERS!!!!! It was so full the fish were bumping into each other constantly. There was at least one dead fish on the FLOOR in front of the tanks.

I found a manager and told them what I saw. I told them I planned on filing a report with the store manager, district manager, and as high up in the Walmart chain that I could go. I also told them I'm going to report them to the Humane Society, and hell, I'd even go to PETA. I'm calling the Humane Society in the morning. Then I think I'll take a trip to the Humane Society tomorrow even though it's 45 minutes from here.

I was sooo infuriated that my heart was pounding in my chest and I was shaking. I've never seen anything like this before in my life. What else can I do Bettamomma?

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