I Got Frank's Weitzmani's :)

I know, but most of them are of my kids. It is hard to do!
Once you lose a child... even a bad pic of one of them is almost impossile to get rid of.
I am trying to get them put on discs. Once I do that... then I don't have to keep them on the computer all of the time. I could just keep a few on here. That would free up a lot of space. I just have to make myself sit down and do it.
I may see about doing it this weekend. I'm not doing anything else... (Getting school clothes, supplies, setting up a pool, yard work, house work, water changes, figuring bills, ordering supplies...) I have plenty of time :lol:

I guess I could do some of it now. I have to wake up first though. I have only had a few hours of sleep.
I think I will do that. I really need to get it done. Then I can take more fishy pics!

Sorry your new fish aren't doing very well. I hate to hear that.

I will check back in later.
Just a word on trilineatus and julii and without casting any doubt on anyone's identification capabilities, unless the actual collecting site is known. i.e. the river from which the fish were caught it is impossible to state that the fish called C. julii are actually that species. The colour patterns of both species is variable with spotted and wavy streaked patterns showing up, the variability is probably more prominent in C. trilineatus.

Most if not all SA exporters purport to have C. julii and because none report where the fish have been collected from any true identification is impossible. I certainly would not put money on an id from pictures no matter how close to type they look.
Congrats on winning the auction JollySue. Look forward to pics of these when you get them up.


I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I cannot even begin to understand what you're going through. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Great to have you back though and congrats on your cory spawnings.

The little Aspidorus seems to have recovered and is no longer swimming twitchy. I can barely tell him from the prionotus. He is longer and has no dotted stripe. There are no more losses with the "blacks"--whatever they are--and the Weitzmani that was beginning to look faded and lauguishing has recovered. I have seen one "black" hanging near the surface, but his color looks good, and he is not at the surface sucking air. Of course they are not entirely happy as there is no real cover for them or room to swim or dance. I can add some more moss and string algae to give them cover. These guys can barely wrestle a black worm. So I am adding some of my favorite fry food, Atison's Betta Starter and some Gel Tek Ultra Grow VX.

The fry really do love the algae. In the net with the mix including at least one panda, there are some sort of nats breeding. :blush: But I figure they can eat them. :rolleyes:

So far the nets that do best are the aged ones with things growing in them and near air bubbles going up. When I want to clean it out a bit I put it over the bubbles. I suppose this is all wrong, but it works for me so far. There are some, that are under lights with lots of algae and uprooted plants, that are almost fermenting. :blink:

The growout tank seems to be working and I have seen no losses. I put a sponge for a sponge filter over the intake. But I do have to watch it. It got too clogged and the biowheel had stopped and the water was a trickle. The sides are green. :blush: lol, but I keep the water changes frequent. The fact that the little new guys seem okay reasures me.

I suppose the AquariSol helped the Aspidoras. It has been a good tool in my kit.

The Pepper I had to move from the big tank is no longer gulping air or hanging near the surface. I plan on starting a frequent small water and filter cartridge change regimen, although there is no ammonia or nitrite, I can never find my nitrate and ph test kits when I want them.

Now I have to prepare for the shipment from Bryan. For some unknown reason I ordered 12 x sp. Pulcher aka Super Schwartzi. :hyper: along with 6 neon green lasers (I really like them) 3 adult Weitzmani, 4 Brochis splendens, and 8 caudimaculatus. I will need a good size tank cleared so tomarrow I will call or go by my African Cichlid/tank person after water changes today and find something to set up or sell him some fish that I would rather keep.

My major fill ins that I want that are left to get are the gossei, suessi and simulatus and some San Juans.

I couldn't think of what to call it last night, but those USB loadable key thingys work really good. I have my grandson on some of those.

I of course didn't mean to toss pics you want, they are treasures, but the ones that were rejected. My housekeeping is really unorganized. I have a multitude of files of long gone fish and tanks that were never chosen even for a look at. :blush:
I just found a black happily tooling around the common lps aeneus tank below the fry net in the tank above him. Lucky fellow, lucky me.

I love new fish, I hate the shipping, unpacking, rehoming part.
:shout: :crazy: :sick: :no: :S :X :grr: :angry: :unsure: -_-
Snaps from Thursday afternoon before I moved the Weitzmani and blacks and after ICEEGRL pestered me. :p Perhaps after these offerings she will stop asking. :blush:

There will likely be no more because they are in places that just aren't photo friendly. I can't even see them myself well.

this is closest to the color









:lol: :lol: Yeah!

I wish I could snap the ones in the fry tank, but they are so tiny, and I just know the light will reflect so they will be all streaky. It's hard to get above them and still get enough of them to see anything. Plus the tank is green!

But the prionotos are little spotted cuties. And the Aspidorus appears to have recovered also, although he has lots of trouble with the heavy sand. It looks like pebbles next to them. I will have to change that. I just have gotten tired of all the sand in the filters from my busy burrowing Corys.

The fry net guys are not very happy. I don't think they have ever been locked up before (except in the bags to get here.) I will find them better accommodations soon--maybe the fry tank or with the escapee in the bronze tank.
:hyper: Stunners JollySue. Gorgeous cories. I LOVE the blacks and Weitzmanis. Beautiful, congrats again on winning the auction. Your pics aren't bad, at least you see their colours. Cories aren't the easiest to take pics of.

Nice fish, Sue :good:

Dont worry about the Scleromystax prionotos, they will grow. Mine have almost doubled in size in 2 weeks.
Thanks Polardbear, C&A, and Barracuda.

:hyper: The prionotus are Scleromystax! no, no, surely they are Corydoras? Whatever they are, they look like they are doing fine. The little Aspidoras is looking much better today and not twitchy at all or flitting around. I get a little concerned, because some of the peppers in that tank are almost juvenal adults and run over them pretty hard when they get excited, but so far so good.

Their tank got a good clean today, and I can see through the green, so maybe I can get pics soon in the fry tank. I also took out most of the heavy, pebbley sand, so they can keep it cleaner of food.

The Weitzmanis and blacks went into a 10 usg with the LF C. aeneus this morning and look like they are doing good, although I will have to watch because one just made a dash to the surface right after all the breeding tanks got major water changes.

Barracuda, tanks for helping Frank out with the shipping.

Well I see now that they are indeed S. prionotus and not C. prionotus. Where will they go as adults? Are they ok with the Cory fry?
My orange lasers are more of a concern to me than the greens.

My 9 green lasers are in a 55 gal with 6 swordtails and 6 guppys. The tank has black sand and tons of plastic plants and rocks. It also has an Aquaclear 70 and a 300 gph power head. The greens will periodically come out and dance, usually late at night and especially if we have an evening thunderstorm. They do seem like they want to spawn and I did find two eggs right after they first arrived. They will come out at feeding time but except for a couple of them as soon as foods gone they hang out behind the rocks. They seem to be getting more comfortable and coming out more frequently the last couple of days though.

I have 5 mature orange lasers that are a couple of years old and they have been shy since the day I got them. I pretty much would only see them really late at night after feeding or at water change time when I pulled stuff out of their tank. I picked up 6 more orange lasers in hopes that with a bigger group they might be more comfortable. The new ones are juveniles and were really active for the 1st 2 weeks after I got them and while they were by themselves. I set up a 40 gallon planted tank with heavily planted corners and driftwood pieces covered in java ferns, it's got a Fluval 405 and an Aquaclear 30 so there's plenty of water movement. The tank has 4 swordtails and a bunch of freshwater shrimp. Since merging the 2 groups of orange lasers the juveniles have begun hiding constantly with the older ones. They'll all venture out about 10 minutes after I put food in the tank as long as I'm no where near the tank. The second they see me though they all dart back to their hiding spots or freeze and play dead. (Not feeling a lot of love from this tank! I can handle the hiding but the playing dead at the sight of me is hard to take.) I have to be very careful around this tank or they totally freak out.

Maybe I'll try moving a trio of my old geriatric Paleatus in with them. Nothing seems to bother the Paleatus so maybe they would help the orange lasers to relax.

Hi Polardbear,

That is so interesting. Because I have totally opposite. I did get small 12 wild caught Green Laser shipped from FL middle of last month. They are about 1 1/2" TL.
And I just run into big Orange Laser at the local store last week. They are about the twice the size of Green Laser. And couldn't resist and got me 4 of them. And they are not shy at all. I forgot to ask about their origin but I will next time I go there. But they come to front and swim around often. And it does not bother them as long as I don't approach to the tank too quickly.
But my small Green Lasers would dash to the back as soon as they saw me approach to the tank from 5~7' away. However they do not hide if I sit in front of the tank and wait for them to come out and swim in the group as long as I don't move suddenly.

So I think sometime it is different depends on the fish even if they are same species. Probably depends on How they raised and how much they were expose to the human. Maybe my Orange Laser are tank raised or being the shop for long enough that they got used to people looking at them all the time.


Also my Melanotaenias are bold as they can be. They come to front when I peak their tank. They probably expecting the food from me.
My green lasers no longer freak!! when I come by. They just sit down and stop dancing. They don't sit in the open to watch me like a tank raise Cory group, but they are not as skittish as when I first got them.

Are your melanotaenias tank raised--or some of them tank raised? Mine are all wild caught. The ones I got last from Bryan are younger and not as shy as the ones I originally got, which are large females, and they are getting more settled with the new young fellas around to encourage them.

The pic I posted awhile back of the fish playing peekaboo was probably one of my original melanotaenia.

I find there is a big difference in behavior--besides between species--between tank raised, young juvenal wild caught growing up in a tank, and adult wild caught.

My tank raised all come up to the tank wall, line up and stare at me as soon as they see me coming. Some wild caught are like that as long as I keep my distance, but none of the wild caught are as bold as the ones bred and raised in my tanks.
Well poor little guys have been moved for the 4th time since they got here. They are now in the fry tank with the pepper fry, S. prionotus and A. C118. They are much better and the blacks are not sucking air anymore. The Weitzmani are dancing again. Only now some of the blacks have some white on the tips of fins. I added some Maroxy. If it is not cleared tomorrow I will do a five day treatment.

I was really tired and confused by their size when they arrived. My brain wasn't able to calculate very well. I hope they can forgive all the bumbling and get settled in. Poor little guys.
Well hopefully the little guys fins will clear up quickly now that they can have a chance to settle in and call some place home. Keeping fingers crossed for you.

My green lasers are braver every day. They are out and about almost all the time now. The other day, I was tying moss onto some rocks and looked up and realized that I was about to be late for work. I put the 4 small rocks into the nearest tank (the orange lasers) and left for work. When I came home that night, all 11 orange lasers were tooling around the tank and didn't even care when I came up to the tank. The older group still gets easily spooked but not as badly as before and the younger ones are spending most of their time playing around the new rocks. Jeez, they could have just told me they wanted some rocks.

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