Hmmmm! I had no sooner left from logging that the tank was stable than I went in to find the Aspidora on his side. He died a few hours later. Nevertheless the tank seems to have calmed down.
I have trouble in my large community tank. I think it is old tank syndrome> I am making larger more frequent water changes. I rescued a Cory last week and he is doing fine now. My little appisto aggassazi red tail lady is sickly, but holding on. I got a little cockatoo to add from the lps. I thought he might be a male. And sure enough, within a few weeks, he colored up and is tormenting my cockatoo Orange flame female with no let up. She doesn't seem to be able to decide if she likes it or not. One minute she is hiding and the next she is beside him swooning while he flicks his tail at her. He bit the aggassazi when she refused his advances. Horny little boy!
I am having to unhook the nets to make larger water changes. I made a big error in advising to do small water changes with the nets in place. It's ok if the changes are very frequent, but it just doesn't happen.
I can't do it because of work and time constraints, but I suggest frequent small waterchanges--like daily, ICEEGRL.
Leahzebelle, when buying fish that have to be shipped, the cost is more, but the quality and rarity of the fish is better. The next shipment will be over $300. The shipping was around $150. But there are some rare wild caught fish.