I Got Frank's Weitzmani's :)

Jeez, they could have just told me they wanted some rocks.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It is very surprising sometimes the thing that will turn a tank around.

One of the S. prionotus has colored up and looks much larger than it's mates--like overnight. I am guessing the boys have a lady in the midst.
I had to throw these in, they were being really brave tonight after a water change, as long as I stayed about 3 feet away from the tank they were out in the open.



And my own peek-a-boo shot


I thought this tank was pretty heavily decorated before the addition of the 4 lava rocks but it seems like the more stuff I add the happier they get. Tonight I added a rock cave with java ferns all over it and I've got some more stem plants to add tomorrow.
You are a great decorator! I just throw the stuff in there willy nilly. I got some anacharis a couple of months ago. I stuck some in the substrate right away, but the rest floated until this weekend when I stuck it in the ground and put something over it to keep the Synos from digging it up. And there is more floating around still.

:kewlpics: I love the peek-a-boo! So cute. They know you're there. And we think we watch them! Reminds me of the standard science fiction plot of captive humans in zoos to be watched and studied.

I wished I could get a shot the other day. I was walking by the LF aeneus tank. The bottom is eye level. I glanced in and all six adults and 2 juvies swam up to the glass and plopped down and stared at me. I stopped to look--eye to eye. They settled in a little more and straightened their line. Then the last juvie swam up and plopped. "Are you here to feed us?" I could almost hear them ask. I got a real kick out of it. I wanted to run over and tell someone!

You are really good at your rock/java thing too. I've got to do that. Is that lace rock?
I am finally back... for a few minutes any way. I have a busy day ahead. We are getting ready to go now. I will be back tonight if we get home in time.

THANK YOU FOR THE PICS! I won't pester you for a little while now. They look good. You know I will be needing more pics as they grow though. I need to get my fix every so often. :lol:

I ordered the new light for my 55g, and I am getting my list finished for my supply order. I want to get it in tonight or in the morning.

I am getting an egg tumbler! All of my eggs fungused! :sick: And... to top it all off... one of my long fins died! :-( :byebye: :rip:
I have no idea what the problem was. It just stopped swimming and died. The rest of them are doing fine. I can't afford to lose any more though. Especially if I can't get the eggs to hatch. I only have one female... I am really glad it wasn't her!

I am just having no luck at all lately!

I'm going shopping...

Be back later :friends:

I'm sorry about the long fin. It happens. It will be ok. You've got enough on your plate, w/o worrying about a fish. It never rains...blah blah blah.

After a while something nice will happen. Maybe even a nice reward. :friends:

Dirty old guy :devil: His reward is on the way. Meanwhile, it's trying time.

I have discovered that Lex Luther has found wicked nasty beam and has it aimed at earth to cause rudeness, meaness, depair and foul smells to swell in the hearts of men and women. But SuperDuperMan has a plan! hehe :good:
No lace rock. I labeled the pieces for you though. I've been hanging out with my local area planted tank club and learning all kinds of fun things. The moss and the java ferns are all tied on to the various pieces with regular sewing thread, after about a month they'll stay attached on their own. I'm really getting addicted to these things, they're easy to make, portable, don't require major lighting, good fry cover and the fish enjoy them. They are much easier to deal with compared to stem plants. I also use some floating water sprite in the tanks for more cover.

The black lumpy looking thing is a pottery breeding cave I found at a LFS, I thought the Corys might enjoy hanging out under it but so far the Swordtails are having more fun in it.

I do use Java moss and fern. My fern is finally getting substantial on a couple of wood pieces and the moss has gotten rampant. It took a long time to get it so I have some good mats. I started with a little dab thown in by my lps. The fern has spread to everything it can get a foot hold on. I haven't gotten into rock, but some fake caves homes for some.
Well the fry tank has finally stablized. The blacks have finally stopped sucking air. But there are only 2 that survived. I would do a water change and five minutes later the blacks were sucking air. I took some of my larger LF pepper fry out and threw them in the LF aeneus/bronze tank. They are fine, although the youngest are staying under the moss and driftwood peering at me and avoiding the larger bronze tribe dashing around.

I have been doing lots of water changes on the little fry tank, and yesterday I removed the sponge covering the intake, added a little piece of moss covered driftwood and an airstone. That seemed to turn the tide. There is still one black that may be marginal. The Weitsmani are stable I believe although some do not have the color that others do. The Asipdora and the Scleromystax prionotus are looking very at home. I have to search them out of the regular colored peppers, especially the Aspidora.

They just devoured a spoon full of black worms with gusto, and no one bobbed to the top for a gulp of air.

A week from Thursday I will get the shipment from Bryan.

There was a barometer change and the Cories are spawning like crazy and I don't have time to harvest. :(
My luck is still running the same. I lost one of my other fish, had a blow out on the interstate, i now have green water in the betta tank, and my central unit is acting up! That is just the short version...

I have someone good on my side though. I got a support check(have not gotten one of those in a long long time), my son got a part time job, and when I went to get my new tire they gave me a discount.

There is still more bad than good, but atleast there is a little good to go along with it now.

I am sorry about the blacks. Maybe you will be able to get some more to go with the ones you have left. I hope so.
I hope they all do well. I want to see the new ones when you get them.

I may be able to get some new fish next weekend. I am going to have to wait and see though. I am planning on trading some cory fry for some other fish. I need some ottos and different corys that I don't have enough of. It just depends on how many he can take.

I have to get Shay ready for church. The little ones are having revival this week at our church. I have to have her there at 6:30, and it takes a little while to get her ready.
Wooooow...... $146! You must really like your corys! I wish i could spend that on a cory that beautiful. I love the pic of it on the bottom of that page, stunning.
Hmmmm! I had no sooner left from logging that the tank was stable than I went in to find the Aspidora on his side. He died a few hours later. Nevertheless the tank seems to have calmed down.

I have trouble in my large community tank. I think it is old tank syndrome> I am making larger more frequent water changes. I rescued a Cory last week and he is doing fine now. My little appisto aggassazi red tail lady is sickly, but holding on. I got a little cockatoo to add from the lps. I thought he might be a male. And sure enough, within a few weeks, he colored up and is tormenting my cockatoo Orange flame female with no let up. She doesn't seem to be able to decide if she likes it or not. One minute she is hiding and the next she is beside him swooning while he flicks his tail at her. He bit the aggassazi when she refused his advances. Horny little boy!

I am having to unhook the nets to make larger water changes. I made a big error in advising to do small water changes with the nets in place. It's ok if the changes are very frequent, but it just doesn't happen.

I can't do it because of work and time constraints, but I suggest frequent small waterchanges--like daily, ICEEGRL.

Leahzebelle, when buying fish that have to be shipped, the cost is more, but the quality and rarity of the fish is better. The next shipment will be over $300. The shipping was around $150. But there are some rare wild caught fish.
Fry Feeding Frenzy

Ooh! Hurry! black worms!

Grab that sucka! Look at ME! I have a worm belly!

That one in the middle hidding behind his tinyness is S. prionotos

I want this one! Where did it go?! Sneaky little wiggly!!

While his mate scrambled for just the right wiggly, this one kept near the surface and worried me.

I can't resist sharing these fellows. They may be raggedy and "an aquarium strain"
but nothing is more lovable than my friendly LF bronze breeders
(Except for the albino pepper fry in the corner and the regular LF pepper fry at the upper edge of the tank)

They come right up and look you in the eye wagging there bountiful tails
:hyper: Great pics jollysue. They sure are gorgeous cories you have. They look very happy and very plump.

Thanks for the pics! :hyper:
You know I love to see them all.
The black ones are really fantastic though! :drool:
I may have taken too much liberty "adjusting" the pics. :lol: But sometimes I just can not resist!

Frank has promised me that he has set aside a package of replacements for the babies I lost with my ignorance, the help of Fed Ex and a Fresno heat wave.

The survivors now seem stable and hungry, carrying on Cory-like searching the pebbles for bits and bites. They also are playing in the currents. One black swims around the parameter of the hex tank, until he swims into the air stone bubbles, then gets swept tumble tumble to the top, regains his swim control and swims round again. Silly Cory! ^_^ :rofl: Even the little S. prionotos are getting in the fun of swimming up and down in a tiny Cory dance. :fish: :fish: :fish:

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