I Got Frank's Weitzmani's :)

I wish I had the money to get the black ones. You will have to post lots of pics so I can watch them grow. Maybe some day I will get to get some of my own. For now... I can't get anything new for a while.
I wish I had the money to get the black ones. You will have to post lots of pics so I can watch them grow. Maybe some day I will get to get some of my own. For now... I can't get anything new for a while.

I see your signature. I am so sorry. :-( No wonder you have been absent. I missed you.

How are you holding up? I hope you can find some pleasure in your tanks. Although there are constant crisis in the fishy world, there are coming joys. Not so different from the human world. -_-
And my special black Corys are not German mutants, but the offspring of Corys caught in Venezuela. :p
Oh well, I don't know what the blacks are now, but they and the Weitzmani and the Aspidoras will be here today. :hyper: Oh yes I suppose I can safely say the blacks are Corys! :lol:

I will have to dig deep to find accomodations for them. I am pulling out some old Betta tanks. :hyper: I thought I would have a few more days to get ready.

I understand You had a hand in this, Barracuda. :) That is my way of saying, "thank you."

What do I do with the Aspidoras? Somebody? I have no experience or knowledge.
Aspidoras are what I would term as true bottom dwellers, they are primarily found in the Matto Grosso region of central Brazil. Belonging to the family Corydoradinae, they require pretty much the same conditions as Corydoras in regards to feeding and water conditions, having said they have smaller mouths than Corys and I tend to feed fine graded food items.

Their swimming habit tends to be a little more like that of Gobies than Corys and they do not seem to have the same habit of shooting to the surface for regular gulps of air, there are of course exception. Fine sand is their preferred substrate in which many species will bury I believe that Frank keeps most of his Aspidoras in bare bottom tanks.

Thanks Sue! We have lost a lot of family members lately. We burried another one yesterday. It has been unreal.
I am trying to get lost in the fish for a little while. I think they know it... They are all spawning today!
I have 103 long fin eggs today! :hyper: Now if I can just keep them from getting fungus... :sick:
I have 221 in the 29g that I think are the albino bronze. :blink:
I didn't even count the pepper eggs in the 55g. :rolleyes:

Have your fish got there? :unsure:
Where are the pics? :snap:
I am going to drive you crazy now... You have my dream fish! :wub:
You are going to have to take pics on a regular basis... :nod:
or you could just send me some so I could have my own... :whistle:
Everything else you have breeds. I hope these do too! Then you could share with me! :friends:
You know you want to... :angel: because you love me so much...
Thanks Sue! We have lost a lot of family members lately. We burried another one yesterday. It has been unreal.
I am trying to get lost in the fish for a little while. I think they know it... They are all spawning today!
I have 103 long fin eggs today! :hyper: Now if I can just keep them from getting fungus... :sick:
I have 221 in the 29g that I think are the albino bronze. :blink:
I didn't even count the pepper eggs in the 55g. :rolleyes:

Have your fish got there? :unsure:
Where are the pics? :snap:
I am going to drive you crazy now... You have my dream fish! :wub:
You are going to have to take pics on a regular basis... :nod:
or you could just send me some so I could have my own... :whistle:
Everything else you have breeds. I hope these do too! Then you could share with me! :friends:
You know you want to... :angel: because you love me so much...

So true! It is already my plan.

These are tiny. Almost as small as the little guys I sent you. Definately not as big as the biggest.

The blacks are the cuteness. Their fins are a reddish brown tint, like a melanotaenia or well colored aeneus. But they are too small to say what they will be.

I recieved at least six of the blacks, five C. Weitzmani, 5 or 6 C. prionotus, and 3 Aspidorus. Sadly I lost 3 of the Aspidorus. As I got extra blacks and the C. prionotus were a bonus, I have no complaint.

The Aspidorus and C. prionotus went in with the LF peppers.

I was up for near 24 hours, got a 3 hour nap and am back at work. I am off for Thurs a.m. to Sun p.m. and am looking forward to tomorrow morning. :blink::)

But I must spend much of it preparing for a shipment fom Bryan the week of the 13th. I have no idea as yet where I will find to put them!. :look: :S

Eggs: Neon uses a modified tumbler. I make sure there is plenty of water movement under the eggs.

I finally got a panda fry after months of trying. It is past the first dangers to the recognizable state. I have lots of spawns, get eggs, even get hatches, but I fall very short getting past that with most except the peppers and the aeneus. Little baby steps. I have three nets I am watching now to see if anything hatched or survived. I just added more eggs from the panda, duplicarus, gossei tank. I do so want to get fry from the sussei and they are trying very hard. The last two batches have hatched, but no survivals from the first and I don't know about the second. Well, the little fry in the sterbai, melanotanaeia, Brochis tank has eggs that have hatched from at lest two tanks and fry that are IDable. I don't like to mess with them too much at that size. But I see several of different ages occassionally. Some times the best place for the net is not the best place to see in the net. That placement seems to be trial and error too for me.

Thanks, Ian, for the Aspidora help. Frank said he wants to see that I get some more in time. It remains to be seen if the little survivor will recover from his horror.

I am still thinking about your question. My brain isn't working on all cylindars right now and I don't want to hurt the poor thing with maximum effort. I see no one had any contributions yet. :/ :huh:
:snap: :snap: :snap: ... :whistle:

Sorry about the ones you lost. :sad:

I am glad you got extra blacks! I figured you would. I didn't figure he would send just 2. I hope they breed soon! :drool:

Now you need to find some real julii's and some trilli's. Then you will have my full wish list... :D
I am still hunting some to finish groups from some accidental purchases though. :blush: :rolleyes:
Maybe you will end up with those too... :shifty:

You are going to be wall to wall tanks before it is over! You need a much bigger house! :hyper:

BIG EDIT!!!!I recieved three Aspidoras C118. 2 died and I have one that appears to be settling in.

I think you would love the green neon lasers. They are small and they dance with my harlequin (3 varieties mixed) Rasaboras. They really are fairly neon and with the neon Rasaboras it is quite a sight. They are about the same size.All of these are small fish and came sooner than I was expecting, so my araingments were not well made or prepared. I will be more comfortable when some time has passed.

Bryan says that he has Julis. They have sat on the self due to some skeptasism about their validaty. But I have had very good experiences with Bryan and he has not done to me at any time what I see him accused of--not you Ian! :)

Anyway, he has juliis and trilis. It seems he could tell the difference. I have had no interest in the trilis, but I am tempted with the Juliis. I think I could get them for a good price--well mabey better if I added them now to the order I made with him today for week after next.
You need julis too! They are sooooooo cute!
I can get trilis from the pet shop. They are fairly common.

I need pics of all your new fish! The lasers sound cool. I have never seen them. Luke (my son) says that he loves them. One of his commanding officers had some I think. He is into corys too. (He is finally home again!) :D

I am hunting some of my old posts. I have to find where they told me what kind one of my corys is. I know one is delphax, one is elegans, but I can't remember what the other one is. I am trying to get my numbers fixed for the ones I already have. Then I can work on my wish list.
My pet shop is going to let me trade my cory over flow for other fish and stuff that I need. I am getting too many of the bronze and peppers. They won't quit. He wants some of the long fins too, but I don't know about that. Maybe if I get them to live, and start getting too many I will think about it. This will help a lot with the money problem though. :shifty: Now maybe I can get more fish and stuff for them...

Get some pics on here! You know it is killing me not being able to see the new fish! :hyper: :drool:
If you don't want to take pics all of the time... :shifty: You could just move to Louisiana... :hyper: I could find you a big house for what you pay for a tiny one there. They are pretty cheap here. That would be too cool. :hey: There are no fish people around here. I have no one to share my obcession with... :-(
I found the thread... I have elegans, delphax, and napoensis. You don't happen to have those kinds swimming around do you? These are the ones I have to find a few more of. I have an elegans pair, 2 male delphax, and1 female napoensis. The napoensis is full of eggs... She won't spawn with any of the others I have will she? If so I may need to find another place to keep her until I can get her some friends.
So while we all wait for Sue to take pictures of her newest acquisitions I thought I'd share a picture of my Green Lasers. (Feeble attempt to motivate Sue :rolleyes: )

I am looking forward to seeing the Blacks and the Weitzmani's!

Those look good! I like that too.
This is what her black ones should look like ... except smaller...
View attachment 46235
He posted this pic for me so I could see what they look like. That was when I fell in love with them.
I have no idea about the other ones. I guess we will be forced to wait on her for that one, and the pics of the actual fish she got. I know she will do it as soon as she can.
Unlike me... some people have lives and other things to do... :lol:
Well I moved them to a well seasoned fry net in the lf pepper tank. I lost one of the blacks and another Weitzmani didn't look good. I have had some trouble with that size fry when moving them. I have taken to keeping my fry in the nets longer.

The prionotus seem to be doing okay in the fry tank, but they are smaller than some of the pepper fry in there. The remaining Aspidoras is twitchy, and I am concerned there was too much ammonia damage. I added some Aquarisol, just in case, but I don't want to take the carbon insert out of the filter, so it it will have to be replaced.

If the blacks and Weitzmani look better, in a week or so, I can move them to the fry tank.

I tried to start to get the pictures on this computer, but I got frustrated trying to feel out the slot for the whatchamacallit cord and quit. The cpu sits on the floor and I can't see the slot without getting on the floor.

I usually use my laptop at work.

Gonna have to cull those pics, ICEEGRL.

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