I Got Frank's Weitzmani's :)

I'm jealous, those Weitzmanis are so pretty and the black aeneus are awesome. :good: I'm trying to stay away from Aquabid for a while myself, at least until I recover from orange and green laser purchases. :rolleyes:

Good luck with them. I'd like to hear how they are after you get them. I'm looking for another species but want to find something that's a little less shy than the lasers.
I put my neon green lasers in with a mature couple and some dithers (mixed harlequins) with a strong filter flow, and they are dancing with the C.simulatus couple, who are now spawning. They were in a bare bottom tank with almost no decore or cover. They were not happy. As soon as I put them in a decked out tank with some other company, they started swimming and dancing all over the tank. I think they are close to spawning, although they may be too young to do much good.

Yes, Barracuda is always at fault. He has sent me over there before. I bought fish last time too. I told Frank I was trying to stay away! But he and Baracuda just had to entice me. I take no responsibility at all for my actions. I am a slave to my fishy passions.

I have to make them all a tank. I want to give them the 40 corner that the Bismark front couple is in. I don't know if I can make that happen. I will also need some directions from Frank on the Aspidoras.
Oh boy, you must be made out of "fish money". :shifty:
You probably need more tanks than you are planning to put them in. I hear the seller in Jersey tend to put SOME EXTRA beside the fish listed on the auction.
I don't think I can afford anymore fish(except 1 or 2 male C.Arcuatus as soon as I see since 3 plump females are not happy) either money nor space for a while after the order from Florida seller. Although I just set the biggest tank(55G) few days ago, but I think I have to move about 200 Melanotaenias and 20 Panda from the 20L to there. They are about 1/8 scale of adults. Of course the 20L will be occupied by the some frys from few of the 5G's. The fish cycle continue.
How big is your Green laser?
As you know I just got them few weeks ago. And they are still small about 1 1/4"TL or 1 1/2"SL(with tail). But they do swim all over the place in circle in group of 3~7 out of 12 . Especially late night like 9pm to midnight. And make me wonder and hope that it would be soon. The day I see some eggs.

Anyway, congratulation for your new fish. Hopefully you can breed them and spread the offspring around the West Coast.
Yes the green lasers are small. I don't know the adult size. Why don't you research it for us? :)
But the behavior and the fact they are dancing with the breeding simulatus tells me that they will spawn. I will have to learn to recognize their eggs. The simulatus eggs are small, and I can only find them so far on the moss, the black heater and a few on the glass. I am sure they are on some of the cloth plants, but I can't see them yet.

Yes that is an investment with the AB buy. I felt they were most likely excellent fish, and, with the shipping paid and Frank's reputation, that the price was ok, so I went for it.

I am getting lots of spawns from most of my Cories, and I am getting lots of hatches, but I am still perfecting the wiggler and free swimming stage. The nets are getting mature now, so the wigglers will live longer as they will feed on the microorganisms in the net. I have several small things darting around in three nets all mixed eggs and fry. I will see if I can get something from them now---again. :unsure:
My orange lasers are more of a concern to me than the greens.

My 9 green lasers are in a 55 gal with 6 swordtails and 6 guppys. The tank has black sand and tons of plastic plants and rocks. It also has an Aquaclear 70 and a 300 gph power head. The greens will periodically come out and dance, usually late at night and especially if we have an evening thunderstorm. They do seem like they want to spawn and I did find two eggs right after they first arrived. They will come out at feeding time but except for a couple of them as soon as foods gone they hang out behind the rocks. They seem to be getting more comfortable and coming out more frequently the last couple of days though.

I have 5 mature orange lasers that are a couple of years old and they have been shy since the day I got them. I pretty much would only see them really late at night after feeding or at water change time when I pulled stuff out of their tank. I picked up 6 more orange lasers in hopes that with a bigger group they might be more comfortable. The new ones are juveniles and were really active for the 1st 2 weeks after I got them and while they were by themselves. I set up a 40 gallon planted tank with heavily planted corners and driftwood pieces covered in java ferns, it's got a Fluval 405 and an Aquaclear 30 so there's plenty of water movement. The tank has 4 swordtails and a bunch of freshwater shrimp. Since merging the 2 groups of orange lasers the juveniles have begun hiding constantly with the older ones. They'll all venture out about 10 minutes after I put food in the tank as long as I'm no where near the tank. The second they see me though they all dart back to their hiding spots or freeze and play dead. (Not feeling a lot of love from this tank! I can handle the hiding but the playing dead at the sight of me is hard to take.) I have to be very careful around this tank or they totally freak out.

Maybe I'll try moving a trio of my old geriatric Paleatus in with them. Nothing seems to bother the Paleatus so maybe they would help the orange lasers to relax.
My melanotaenias were like that. I NEVER saw them unless I moved the drift wood. But after I added the juvenals and the had the LFbronze in with them for awhile doing the sexy dance, the sterbai started spawning constantly and the emeralds got busy then (I don't know if they have laid eggs, but they dance) and now the melanotaenia have spawned and come out some. They will never be sterbai or bronze or peppers, but they are more active and the younger ones are out more often and not as skittish.

I think your plan sounds solid. Not many can resist a good orgy party. The peppers will flood the tank with hormones.
Yes, Barracuda is always at fault. He has sent me over there before. I bought fish last time too. I told Frank I was trying to stay away! But he and Baracuda just had to entice me. I take no responsibility at all for my actions. I am a slave to my fishy passions.

Congratulations on winning that auction. It was definately a nice one. However, I will not take the blame for you winning it :D

I told myself I wasnt going to set up any more tanks for a while and get my other ones sorted out and I saw the auction for the S. kronei (which are incredible) and ended up setting 3 more tanks up :S
I just checked. Bryan charges $25 a piece for wild caught Weitzmani. So 5 F1's with shipping is a bargain at $146. Let alone that I also get the Aspidoras and the black aeneus. I am asking Bryan to send me some of his Weitzmanis and some more green lasers. I will definately have to have another Cory tank.

Nay, Barracuda, it is all you and Frank! You are my tempters.

I did not check the going prices on the fish from Frank, and I was not looking for a bargain, but I am not sad that I got one. :)

I am debating how many to add?
I just checked. Bryan charges $25 a piece for wild caught Weitzmani. So 5 F1's with shipping is a bargain at $146. Let alone that I also get the Aspidoras and the black aeneus. I am asking Bryan to send me some of his Weitzmanis and some more green lasers. I will definately have to have another Cory tank.

Nay, Barracuda, it is all you and Frank! You are my tempters.

I did not check the going prices on the fish from Frank, and I was not looking for a bargain, but I am not sad that I got one. :)

I am debating how many to add?

Actually, I think the bargin in that auction was the 3 C. sp. aeneus "Black" juveniles.

Remember, the fish Bryan is selling are adults and adult C. weitzmani arent cheap. I think Frank sold a spawning group for over $200. I hope to get some C. weitzmani from Frank one day too.

As for the numbers, it depends on what size tank you give them. I think the C. weitzmani will be happy in a tank of their own. A 20 gallon long would be great for them. I plan on giving mine their own tank soon.
I suppose you are correct, but the package seems very much a bargain at $146 with no shipping. I was thinking maybe 3 or 4 of Bryan's added to the group would make them very happy.

I am no longer sold on the long tanks. All my Corys, except maybe the long fin peppers, love a deep tank to dance in. They just love doing the catfish dance up and down in a good current from the filter or an air screen.
I suppose you are correct, but the package seems very much a bargain at $146 with no shipping. I was thinking maybe 3 or 4 of Bryan's added to the group would make them very happy.

I am no longer sold on the long tanks. All my Corys, except maybe the long fin peppers, love a deep tank to dance in. They just love doing the catfish dance up and down in a good current from the filter or an air screen.

Oh, it was definately a bargain. I wasnt trying to prove you wrong :huh:

Mine seem to like the long tanks, but every fish is different. I am in the process of putting all my cories in their species their own tank. For the species I have more of and the bigger species, I plan on giving them 20L and giving the rest 10 gallons.
I am all a hodge podge. Stick them here; stick them there. Here a tank; there a tank. Same with the fry: here a net; there a net. Hmmm....this one has fry that size, and this one has fry eggs that old. lol. I keep thinking when I get the extra bedroom (waiting for the occupant of the bungalow I want to find the house and buy), I will get it sorted out better.


I don't mind mixing the species for now. I am still as much interested in an interesting tank as breeding. And actually some species seem to stimulate others to spawn.

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