I Finally Bit The Bullet And Added The Ammonia, Cycling Started...

thrujenseyes said:
And TTA, I did order (from Amazon for like 2 bucks) that Dr. Tims Ammonia stuff that you suggested...just to have.
A bottle of Dr Tims for $2, thats a steal. Nice one.
thrujenseyes said:
I'd love some nano fish suggestions!!
Dario dario as you already mentioned are a lovely looking specie, i'd like some of those one day.
Microrasboras such as kubotai are lovely too, nice shade of green, active, there are other colourations of microrasboras.
A single betta will be ok in a 6 gal edge tank i think.
C- she got the ammonium chloride, not the bacteria :) I did grab a bottle of the bacteria good for a 60 gal tank for under $8.00 which is in transit.
jen- this a shameless plug for a good friend of mine who happens to be pretty good on nanofish. You can buy her book here, if you want
http://msjinkzd.com/news/featured/the-101-best-freshwater-nano-species-buy-it-now-available/ Ch4rlie has a copy :)
In addition, she sells a lot of nanofish and inverts and she is willing to answer emails, albeit sometime slow since she also writes for Amazonas magazine and is a speaker on the fish club/event circuit (on nano fish and inverts).
Excellent info TTA!! I will check her out!!

And thanks for the suggestions ch4lie!

I can't wait to test tonight! Hoping for 0-0!!

TTA do you agree with gruntle that if I get double zeros tonight that I add an additional dose just to be safe?
As to a repeat, it depends on how much you  trust yourself. It can do no harm and it means only a 24 hour delay.
I have been doing this a long time and have set up a number of tanks, so I tend not to double check myself often.
Bear in mind you tank is now basically cycled to be able to handle a full fish load in terms of ammonia issues. So the more fish to can add initially the better. there is more than the obvious reason for this.
Experienced fish keepers tend to have a quarantine tank for new fish which they use to prevent diseases etc. from being able to spread into a main tank. Most new fish keepers have not reached this stage yet and they tend just to add new fish to a tank risking whatever may come. However, when initially starting up a tank one has the potential to use that very same tank as the quarantine tank by putting as many fish as they can in at the same time (within reason). This is especially true when they are all purchased from the same source.
If one decides to stock more slowly, the downsides are the loss of the initial Q functionality plus the potential loss of bacteria that are not supported by a lower fish load. This has the potential to cause a mini-spike down the road when more fish are added.
If you cannot stock in the next day or two after the cycle is complete, you can add snack doses every 2 -3 days. I would alternate between 1/3 and 1/2 the 3 ppm dose. Do not forget that you need to do a big water change after ammonia dosing before adding fish etc. Make sure the tank is at the proper temp. afterwards.
Great advice (as always) TTA
Guess who's CYCLED!!!!!!!!
I'm so excited I want to throw a party!  But it's almost 9 and I can barely keep my eyes open.
5-13-15 Day 18
ammonia 0ppm
nitrites 0ppm
PH 7.5
Ok...so my question now is...
I will not be able to get to fish store until Saturday afternoon (it's now Wednesday Evening)
Should I snack dose tomorrow evening (thurs)?!  Then water change Friday evening ...then fish Saturday?!
I'd do a snack dose (1ppm?) tomorrow, then a water change Friday (as much as you can siphon out, the bacteria stay in the filter so they won't be affected. At least 80% if you can) to reset your nitrates to as close to zero as possible). That should give the water time to settle to the right temperature before your fish!
Endlers are my current favourite, it would be best if you can stick to just males or you'll quite quickly end up with a sardine-can instead of a tank (I started with 6 and now have 60, after giving 20 away - now females are in a different tank to males).
Yay!! I'm getting it!! I actually knew what my next move should be!

And gruntle... Endlers are exactly what I'm after. After seeing how vibrant and adorable the males are...
And apparently active and fun to watch. And peaceful!
They sound perfect for my tiny tank!

I sure hope someone has them!

Do I need a bottom feeder like a shrimp? Or is my assassin ok for that?

I can't wait!
Chilli or Mosquito Rasbora - Boraras brigittae
They would be a nice fish option for 6 gals.
Ch4rlie I've also read about them and they are surely a consideration also! Super cute and vibrant!
....although they prefer a lower oh than I have
So last night I did a snack dose of 1/3.

Tonight I did my big (75-80%) water change.

Tomorrow fish shopping!!!!
Can we get a photo of your fish in their new home when you get them please :)
thrujenseyes said:
So last night I did a snack dose of 1/3.

Tonight I did my big (75-80%) water change.

Tomorrow fish shopping!!!!
Great news...
I'm sure you've read up on acclimation process, etc.  The biggest concern is temp shock.  Float the new fishies for no less than 15 minutes, to bring the water in the bag up to the temp of the tank.   Also, be sure to NET the fish rather than dump the fish and water into the tank.    The more you limit any transfer from the LFS the better.   Nasties like to come home from the LFS.  
thrujenseyes said:
So, I finally got cycled two nights ago (fishless cycle, took 18 days).
I have a little fluval edge 6 gallon with two anacharis plants and one anubis.  
I wound up with a stoway assassin snail and one other "common snail" I think....that one is super teeny.
Anyway...I have seachem flourite (black) for substrate and one piece of malaysian wood.
....I did a snack dose last night (as I knew I wouldn't be able to get to a fish store until tomorrow.
Tonight I did a 75-80% water change to prepare for some new fish tomorrow (hopefully)
I'm thinking a few endlers (since my size is super limiting).
....Back to my question of the white/clear hairlike cobweb type flowy stuff that is flowing from the substrate all over the floor of the tank.  
I'd noticed a couple pieces before and thought nothing of it but tonight there seems to be more.  
It's almost clear, very hard to notice but it kind of shimmers in the water and moves slowly with the current from the filter.
It's super hard to get a picture since its so small and clear but I have a great little video, but I'm unsure how to get that to this thread.
I'd love some help with that if anyone knows!
Thanks :)
Thanks so much guys!!!!
I got all sorts of worried last night after my big water change (about 80%)
I noticed some weird flowy clear/white cobweb hairlike stuff on the flourite substrate.
I posted it to "new to hobby questions" last night.
I wasn't sure I should put here or its own thread.
But here's a little video of it:

Should I be as upset as I am?! Is this algae?!?

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