I.e. Vs Firefox

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Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Ok, I keep hearing how much better firefox is over IE. I actually have both on my comp (the guy who set up my computer is a big firefox supporter but i'm just so used to IE that it's all i ever use).

Anyway, last night something weird happened to my IE and I wasn't able to download the newest version so all the sites looked funny. I switched to firefox and everything looks as it should. I've been playing with firefox this morning trying to get acquainted with it and unles I'm missing something it seems pretty much the same, just the layout is a bit different.

So.. please tell me.. why do YOU love firefox so much and why does everyone say it's better than IE?

thanks! :)
Who pays for browsing on IE ?
I've tried Firefox (ages ago) and really didn't like it. I've never had any security issues either :)

Nothing will make me ever switch to FF - unless IE ceases to exist!
I use firefox cause of the features available, the safer plugins, etc. Overall though, safety. Spyware and pop-ups, especially.

Nothing will ever make me switch to IE - unless FF ceases to exist!


firefox is heaps better for few reasons, firstly its got all these kewl features like footifox, joga.com add-on thingy (this thing to keep to updated on current fifa games etc :D), as a few of the other pplz have mentioned its safer and faster. Also I had numerous problems with internet explorer, firefox is kinda like an everlasting trend, in time it will devour I.E. completely :pepsi:
Firefox has a nice feature with tabbed windows and the toolbars, but in all other ways it is inferior to IE :nod:

Firefox caused me many more security problems, about a week after I stopped using it I did a full virus and spyware scan and AVG on my laptop and Norton on my PC both found dozens of infected files ALL in the mozilla directory :grr:

It uses more memory (I've loaded the same web pages side by side and checked myself)

I also found it crashed on a daily basis (amy times a day sometimes), resulting in closing it down and reloading it and the web page, particularly irritating if you are in the middle of posting on a forum :X

Firefox often has layout issues aswell (ask those that use it with certain skins on here ;) )

Its a great alternative if you are so determined not to use Micro$oft, but no way is it a better package and when IE7 is released with tabbed windows, Firefox will have no real edge.

I prefer IE over FF, cause I hate the layout and the only time i have security issues is when I use LimeWire.
IE7 is what I tried to download but couldn't (my comp is too old I suppose :/)
Well.. for now FF seems to be working and everything looks as it should so I guess I'll keep using it :)

thanks all!
Personally I don't see much difference other then FireFox goes a heck of a lot faster as long as you clear the memory out regularly. The only thing I hate about FireFox is that when you are trying to make layouts for myspace, etc. it doesn't show most of the stuff. Take the scrollbar for example, if you change that with a myspace profile editor it doesn't show up. It also centers things which is a PITA IMO. Half of the time I can't read the whole page on some sites so I have to switch to IE.

I'll stick with Firefox most of the time, but it just seems like they got lazy at times and never finished the rest IMO. Half of the time the pages are chopped off, everyone in a while the buttons need to be clicked twenty times before they work, etc. It also seems to have troubles loading images at first.
Arifie, I get both skins on here fine with firefox,and so far as the security issue goes you probably just downloaded a cluster of viruses while you were useing firefox, firefox will no more stop you from downloading files with bad viruses than it will stop you downloading files with ugly pictures, same as IE, However it seems its every 3 months or so that another gaping hole is found in IE that lets anyone who knows about it look stright into the heart of your computer and access your information, thats why its a bad idea to marry the file system on a computer so closely to an internet browser.

The FF vs IE debate is not the M$ vs Mac debate, Most critics of Mac argue that there are no aplications for mac and that no one else makes hardware for mac, were as any geek off the street can design and produce a program for pc and just about everyone makes hardware. IE has no extensions, and anyone can make a great firefox extension, assuming they know how to program and have a good idea, you get great addblocking without having to install a searchbar and sell yourself to google or yahoo, you get faster loading, and while it can run away with the memory at times if you are a serious enought aplication runner that you care about memory you should already have Max Mem by AnalogX (http://www.analogx.com/contents/download/system/maxmem.htm). Not every page will load in firefox, but you can just open them in IE if it works, you can even get an extension for FF were all it takes is a right click then a left to open a page in IE, can't get one of those for IE sadly.
In all my lazyness I really just like how you can drag your bookmarks to the top of the browser and store them there in firefox. :)
Just for the sake of fair and open argument you can do that in IE aswell, though I cannot for the life of me remember how.
you drag the page next to the url anddropthat where ever you like it fire fox is soo much better i didnt really ike it at first but now ive started making my own skin for it once ive finished ill post it up here so you can have alook
IE7 is just about the ugliest piece of software I've ever seen, but you have to use it if you want to use IE and get some of the features of Firefox. I use Macs at home (browse with Safari, Camino or Firefox if I need something else), but I use Firefox at work when I'm not using some Microsoft product that requires IE (Virtual Server, Sharepoint, etc...).

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