I Don't Want To Be Hasty, But . . .


New Member
Oct 6, 2010
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So I've been cycling for five weeks. I hit the ammonia spike, passed it, hit the nitrite spike, and now I'm nearly at the end.

I'm consistently processing my nitrite levels to 0.75 ppm in 12 hours. But it's lingering now, and I just used up my last bit of nitrite test this morning. I've been all over this afternoon looking for more, and it looks like I'll need to order it online (which might be cheaper anyway, but doesn't do anything for expediency.)

IF I added some cories to my 10 gallon tank this week . . . would that be very bad?

And my nitrate's been pretty constant at 60 ppm, so would a water change still be advisable before adding the fish?

Thanks so much. I want fish, but I don't want dead fish. Or even unhappy fish.
Panda cory's are very susceptible to bad water quality, not sure about other varieties. Having come this far isn't it worth waiting a few more days to have it perfect. If it's any help my lfs has pretty much everything in i need to stock my tank when i went by earlier today and i had to walk away knowing half of it probably won't be there next time i go in. Even Endler guppies which i had pretty much given up on having, not having seen them anywhere.
Agree with Uriel and Aqua Tom, still having 0.75ppm at 12 hours is still not really there yet and on top of that we really do see a lot of comments that Panda cories like to have really pristine stats for their water.

A while back I rang up a guy that I know of who's a world cory expert and specifically asked him about Panda cories. He claimed he didn't really see a difference between these cories and the other cories. His comment runs counter to the comments we've seen for a pretty long time on TFF, and I did have some doubts, based on the feeling that perhaps he had long become so expert in keeping cories and fish in general that he might not see a difference like that. But at least it gives encouragement that not everyone thinks this fish is particularly sensitive.

Thank you, all. I'll just keep on dosing 'til my test turns up. Thanks lots!

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