I Did A Bad,bad Thing...


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
I bought before researching! I never, ever would dream of doing such a thing but it just sort of happened. Then I got home and researched as I acclimated and wouldn't ya know it- I picked up an extremely hard to care for coral :S The store I was at (not my usual) did not inform me if the negatives I came home and read.

But, yes,but I'm thinking it just might be okay and I might be able to please it after all that I've read.


If it starts to look bad, I have many, many options that I can take to save it's life. Give it to my lfs, or members from the local club who have success with alveopora. But for now I'm thinking my unskimmed, bbs fed tank might be okay. We'll see. Wish me luck!

eta~ I was very glad to see it opening up this morning before I flipped on the lights.
Alveopora - Flower Pot Coral

They are photosynthetic & there isnt much evidence to suggest they will take any foods offered by there owners
Alveopora - Flower Pot Coral

They are photosynthetic & there isnt much evidence to suggest they will take any foods offered by there owners
I've read that they'll readily take small foods such as cyclopeeze. I just fed the tank bbs and sat staring at the alveopora. At first there was no reaction but then I noticed single branches (?) darting in and back out which makes me wonder if it's taking the bbs. They're a lot more discreet than my zoanthids who shove three tentacles in their mouths at a time.

Either way, day one seems to be a success and it's fully extended and looking GORGEOUS at the moment.

Ski, I'd never seen anything quite so beautiful in all of my days of shopping at saltwater lfs's...I just had to have it. And I've already decided that I'll do whatever it wants... :look:
You may want to keep a diary of anything this character feeds on etc. as there is very little recorded info on these corals

Very glad to here it has fed already
I certainly will do that, right here in this thread. I was very glad to see that it was possibly eating as well. I'll continue to pay close attention to it.

I'm hoping that my tank being so small, and such a closed in enviroment, will be beneficial in the long run.

The pics do it no justice. It's absolutely stunning in person.

ETA~ Here it is mid-day. It seems to be comfortable, despite those zoos being so close. I'll move it a bit tonight after lights out.
Ah yes, Alveopora. An extremely poor record in captivity.

I was the same, bought before reading. I shouldnt have. After a long, successful stint (IMO) it died after quite a large nitrate spike a while ago.


True, a lovely coral, but hard to keep. Goodluck. Its sure got some lovely colours! Better than alot of specimens ive seen. Hopefully its not dyed. Your LFS migh have known what it was, and its requirements, because it looks almost like its had some of its skeleton knocked off from beneath.

Fingers crossed for you though. :nod:
Got a small piece myself, seems incredibly sensitive, and even if it gets knocked around by a hermit it will sulk for hours on end before re-emerging.

Don't think i'd buy another piece unless it was very well established because as mr miagi pointed out they have a very poor record of success..

One of the worst corals you can put in a nano tank. I would get it out before it risks a tank nuke. SH
awww,miagi, yours was one of the only ones that showed up in a TFF search. I was hoping to hear from you. I was especially hoping to hear how wonderful yours is doing. Sorry 'bout that. It's certainly disheartening -_-
And wait,wait,wait....hold the phone....they dye corals too?!? How can anything so sensitive live through that?!
And I do believe that particular fish store knew what was up. Honestly the shop was full of nothing but red mushrooms- and the alveopora -_- I think he's at a low point right now so I felt obligated to buy something, but I would have appreciated the full story from him. But again, it's my own fault.
I'm off to my lfs to confess what I have done. I'm also going to scope out that new 2200 gallon reef tank and see if I can find an optimal spot for the alveopora to go in the future if it begins to decline in my tank.

bunji~ I've learned my lesson, thats for sure. But I'm also trying to stay positive, and using this as a learning experience. I figure if I can keep this thing alive.... maybe everything else won't seem so challenging. We'll see.

steelhlr~ that seems to be the general opinion towards everybody who keeps/bought one on RC, every topic I read told people to get rid of it etc.
Ive heard of a couple of guys staing they had their alveopora 'over 6 years" etc. but you just dont know how honest and frank they are being.

I tried feeding it foods, It did move, but I just took that as a sign of disturbance.

Yes, they do dye corals sadly:

WetWebMeida Article by Calfo
Same Aurthor, but in ReefKeeping Magazine
A Borneman article, in Reefkeeping magazine. (Note especially in this photo, the Goniopora sp. in Figure 2).

It is a shame, but it does happen. Its easy to tell what coral has been dyed though, so you shouldnt worry too much. Dont buy them and the practice wont be supported. :good: (Not that I think you would anyways! :p )

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