i cannot grow plants


New Member
May 17, 2020
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United Kingdom
hello, as the post title infers - i am really struggling to grow plants in my tank. The exception to this is Java Fern on wood

My tank details /parameters
Jewel Rio 180 (internal filter removed)
Fluval 307 : standard filter set-up, except top tray has fine media and ceramic rings instead of carbon pads
Beta 1050 Cannister filter: standard set-up with additional ceramic rings
Jewel centre LED lights on for apprx 8 hours a day
Heater set at 24 degrees, at further point thermometer read 21
Powerhead -not used

both inlet pipe on left side, outlets on right

Parameters 24 hours after water change (api liquid)
Ammonia 0
PH 6.6
Nitrite 0
Nitrate between 5- 10 - its normally around zero - but have been dosing the last few days,

I try periodically dosing with Seachem Flourish Excel & Flourish, when i do i get Algae blooms. The tank at the moment on right side has a minor problem with brown algae on glass this half is generally free of floating plants as they are blown by the filter. Left side of tank mainly on ferns looks l have some BBA (did cut some off yesterday, when i did a water channge)

Not looking for something high tech, just like to grow Vallis, etc - recently planted some it does not grow and just fades and dies. The moss balls have 5 - they seem to successfully grow.

Please let me know if you need more info.. hope its posted in the right place - my first post:)

The pH is too low for Vallis, which prefers water with a pH above 7.0.

You have black filamentous algae on some of the plants (picture under the thermometer).

If Java Fern does well but other plants don't it is probably lack of light. Most aquarium plants like a bit of light and if you only have the light on for a couple of hours a day, they struggle. If the light doesn't have a high enough wattage they also struggle. Try having the tank lights on for 10-12 hours a day.

If you get lots of green algae then reduce the light by an hour a day and monitor the algae over the next 2 weeks.
If you don't get any green algae on the glass then increase the lighting period by an hour and monitor it.
If you get a small amount of algae then the lighting time is about right.

Some plants will close their leaves up when they have had sufficient light. Ambulia, Hygrophilas and a few others close their top set of leaves first, then the next set and so on down the stem. When you see this happening, wait an hour after the leaves have closed up against the stem and then turn lights off.

Some good plants to try include Ambulia, Hygrophila polysperma, H. ruba/ rubra, Elodia (during summer, but don't buy it in winter because it falls apart), Hydrilla, common Amazon sword plant, narrow Vallis, Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta).
The Water Sprite normally floats on the surface but can also be planted in the substrate. The other plants should be planted in the gravel.

If you add an iron based aquarium plant fertiliser, it will help most aquarium plants do well. The liquid iron based fertilisers tend to be better than the tablet forms, although you can push the tablets under the roots of plants and that works well.
I use Sera Florena liquid plant fertiliser but there are other brands too.

Do not bother adding carbon fertiliser to the tank because they are not necessary.
Excel is a steriliser and should not be used in tanks with fish as it is poisonous. It also kills vals.
With the amount of frogbit you have you should probably continue with the flourish comprehensive - I usually use this at half the recommended dosage.
Your rooted plants should be given root tabs - the flourish ones work well.
@Colin T & Seangee - thank for the quick reply, a lot of plants out of stock at the mo, so will keep an eye out from your list. Do you recommend a good online retailer ?

Based on the feedback so far, i am going to ..
1. increase the light, i am going to do it gradually, unless others have a different view. I will change from 8 hours to 9 for a few days and slowly increase monitoring for an increase in algae
2. I will stop using the Excel
3. start using the flourish comprehensive daily, but at half measures
4. Will buy some root ferts

Questions ... i am starting to get an algae problem , will this reduce if the above works to increase plant growth rate as every time i use fetrts i get an algae bloom?
Looking at your tank, your slow growing plants are doing well and your stem plants aren't.

This probably is a low light issue as your stems are melting, but I would think about going down the route of more logs with moss/anubias. In essence plants that really do well in low light as you've been successful with them so far. Crypt like wenditii, usteriana, are good. It will end up being very low maintenance

Possibly think about small echinodorus if you have the substrate for it. Ozelot green is a good small version.

Bucephalandra look great and have a shimmery leaf and flower regularly.
Don't increase the lights until you have weaned the plants off excel or algae will take over. Drop the carbon over the space of a week then increase light if algae isn't increasing.

Your plants need to get used to an increased growing duration. Taking away their food source carbon will stunt growth whilst increasing light then leaves you vulnerable to algae filling in.
Thanks everyone for the speedy response. I will gradually change the dosing and lighting as suggested. Will let you know how i get one

have managed to order
Cryptocoryne usteriana Tropica
Hygrophila polysperma
Bacopa monerii Aquafleur
Echinodorus grisebachii
Cryptocoryne wendtii Brown
Seachem Flourish root tabs

So will see how i get on. will wait for my LFS to open and get some more wood and moss. I have been trying to grow some, front of tank - not that successful at the mo - but hopefully the changes to lighting and dosing will help over the coming weeks.

@ Colin -keeping an eye out for the plants you have also suggested, but they seem out of stock . With regards to the Frogbit i tend to scoop out have a tankful every 4-5 weeks as it grows so quickly - should i continue to do this ?
Make sure you attach the moss to wood. Don’t forget that you’ll do better with some.plants than others, stick to the ones that flourish for you!
Leave the frog bit unless the stem plant growth stops or is stringy, which will mean not enough light is penetrating. You can then remove the frogbit to increase intensity only when needed.

The amazon sword is a big plant so make sure to get the root tabs in for it.
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Increasing the light duration is not going to help. As was pointed out above, your fast growing plants are the ones struggling, and this suggests lower rather than higher light. Duration cannot make up for intensity, and algae will get worse. Eight hours is more than enough. And follow seangee's suggestions (post #3).
Like @seangee I dose flourish at 1/2 dosage each week a day after I do my water change. I use flourish plant tabs for my rooted plants and do not use Excel for the same reason given by other members. Good luck with your plants.
Wow thanks everyone.. will follow the help given. It will be a few days before the plants and root tabs arrives, so will post updates after I restock to let you know how things go. many thanks all again

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