i cannot grow plants

Salvinia won't grow for me. I ditched it and replaced with frogbit which does brilliantly. I also have low pH but don't bother testing. Borrowed a digital tester once and it read 5.3.

Make sure you get Amazon frogbit (Limnobium Laevigatum) and not European frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) which looks almost identical but does less well in tropical tanks.
As with fish, with plants also the GH is more relevant than the pH. But having said that, the vast majority of aquarium plants come from very soft water areas where the pH will be acidic, and not relevant to the plants. The issue will be ensuring they get sufficient minerals via additives. The plant exceptions are those native to harder water, such as the Vallisneria species; these can utilize bicarbonates for their carbon, equally or in preference to CO2. But even so, they can do faiurly well in softer water, mine did.

My water is zero GH/KH, and the pH I am certain is below 5 (I had a test that went down to 5) but as that suits the fish the plants have to be satisfied, and they seem to be.

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