I Am Soooooo Infected....

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa
I am extremely lucky just to get into the forum tonight...... I am extremely virus infected, & dunno what to do about it. any advice will be appreciated.... Don't seem like my computer is protected at all..... What "safe" fix programmes can I load (without asking my credit card no) cause all i've been trying wants this number, & current invection levels makes me worried to give it..... Even though I cannot get in, my internet account is extremely high, & I get a message of Buffer overide.... Programme will be terminated.

I am extremely lucky just to get into the forum tonight...... I am extremely virus infected, & dunno what to do about it. any advice will be appreciated.... Don't seem like my computer is protected at all..... What "safe" fix programmes can I load (without asking my credit card no) cause all i've been trying wants this number, & current invection levels makes me worried to give it..... Even though I cannot get in, my internet account is extremely high, & I get a message of Buffer overide.... Programme will be terminated.

See if you can go to any of the free anti virus sites eg. avg.com
If your blocked from them it is likely you have a particular virus I can remember its name but I'll find the fix for you shortly

Sourced from the internet
Try this Lud

Buffer OVERFLOW problems are often caused by malware. I suggest you run your anti-virus and download Ad-Aware SE and Spybot S&D (they’re free), install them, update them and run them. If they don't seem to be able to get rid of everything they report finding, try running them again, this time in Safe Mode. Safe Mode prevents many instances of malware from loading and protecting itself against deletion of its files.

Also, turn off System Restore to evict any copies of bad stuff that might be lurking there.

To get into Safe Mode:

1.Log out and reboot your machine.
2.When the machine starts the reboot sequence, press the F8 key
3.Select Safe Mode from the resulting menu.
4.The machine will continue booting, but the Windows desktop will look different. You won't be able to see the Internet, for instance. You may have to log in as Administrator to delete the bad files.
5.When you're finished, log out and reboot back into normal mode.

Update and run both regularly.

Good luck.
Ad-Aware SE (free): [URL="http://www.lavasoftusa.com/"]http://www.lavasoftusa.com/[/URL]
Spybot S & D (free): [URL="http://www.spybot.com/"]http://www.spybot.com/[/URL]

Google Conficker worm, it causes similar problems I believe
After you have used the suggestions from bigc download a file called ccleaner which is a genius program that cleans out old file extensions and other rubbish that gets left behind - also free but from a site called filehippo.com
This has been ongoing for the past 3 to 4 weeks, & Spybot is the best I've tried, but it has deleted some of my prime programmes to malfunction other areas.... "Malware doc" has just automatically moved in and continuously scans my box with continuous messages of new virusses found, but I have to register before it agrees to clean them.... (& for this, I must give my credit card no.) My current account is more than R5000, where I normally use less than R500!!!
Whatever you do DON'T enter your card details at any time whilst infected. Run AVG and follow this guide.
There is a brilliant thread here that covers all the best free software for the different types - anti-virus, anti spyware, anti malware etc and has links to online scanners that will do full deep check.

Try to find one that will do a scan during the boot up too, or start in safe mode so some processes will not be operating
be careful with AVG. these is one out there that gives you a virus. it is very similar to the proper AVG and it is hard to tell the difference untill its to late. watch what site you get the software from.
I use AVG and Spybot together and hardly get a problem

the problem is getting them on once a virus is set in, as many are actively looking for anti virus programs and disabling them before they can work.

get AVG from

Also Lugwig try going into safe mode and trying them.
reset the computer and keep pressing F8 untill you have an option to load in safe mode.
I use the following which are all free to download

Avast anti virus
Ewido Anti Spyware
As previously mentioned, but perhaps not clearly enough: Depending on your o/s you'll also need to disable the system restore feature or any 'cleaning' you're trying to do, may prove to be pointless...

Assuming you or another member of your household haven't been trawling those nasty pron sites, which would explain the level of infection, reading up on safe web surfing might be a good idea too....
Download the free version of Malwarebytes, run the full scan it is very good. I use it in combination with Xoft (which is not free)
like already mentioned i find the best free programmes:

ad aware se
Anti Vir

I downloaded them from download.com free is a legitiment site = no viruses :)
I downloaded them from download.com free is a legitiment site = no viruses :)

No viruses true. There has hoever been reports of spyware being embedded in the adverts and again similar reports are said about facebook and myspace. Go on these sites for an hour or so, to get the full loop of adverts and you will get a lucky present. I go direct to developer usually.

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