I am SO angry off at myself right now!

It came out just fine, I like it...the plants will add to the layout, as well
It came out just fine, I like it...the plants will add to the layout, as well
Thanks, there maybe one or two things I switch but other than that I'm gonna leave it be.
One of the joys of fishkeeping is having the "perfect" aquascape in your imagination or on paper, deciding to do it, spending hours doing it.....

....and once completed the aquarium looks like an untidy teenager's bedroom and absolutely nothing like the picture in your head or on paper

Been there
Done that
Learnt some new naughty words
And had many untidy teenager's bedroom aquascapes.....and given up on them

As long as the fish are happy and healthy, they won't notice the wild and woolly look of their home ;)
i tried to make an island on my tank, failed miserably now i have this barren lava rock hill, i think some anubias or Javafern will go well there idk
maybe even anacharis
i tried to make an island on my tank, failed miserably now i have this barren lava rock hill, i think some anubias or Javafern will go well there idk
maybe even anacharis
Yah I get what ya mean. But after my experience with adding the plants, I realized everything starts to form better!
Yah I get what ya mean. But after my experience with adding the plants, I realized everything starts to form better!
plants really help a scape, they kind of naturally scape themselves

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